Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​Resear​ch Contr​acts​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To perform contract research at Stellenbosch University, a researcher needs to comply with the Contract Research Policy and other applicable policies and processes.

In terms of the Contract Research Policy, the Division for Research and Development needs to review and approve all research and research-related contracts, before the authorised representative of Stellenbosch University will sign the contract.  See the Types of Research Contracts section for information on the different contract types and examples of each type.

To commence with the Contract Approval Process the following has to be sent to the Division for Research Development:

  • The draft contract / a request for a contract template
  • The project description/scope of work
  • The budget (if applicable)


​​Research Contracts enquiries​:
​​Full cost queries and other financial enquiries:
​​user.png Marilyn Sikade
phone-call.png 021 808 3949
email.png Email Marilyn

Registration of new contracts:​
email.png Email
user.png Audrey Erasmus
phone-call.png 021 808 9018
email.png Email Audrey
user.png Chantal Hugo​
phone-call.png 021 808 9368 
email.png E​​mail Chantal​