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Student enrolments from 1910
Fig. 1: Head count of US students from 1910
Student enrolments from 1910 to 2017In page navigation
Student enrolments by Race
Fig 2: Enrolments by race and year
Student enrolments by RaceIn page navigation
Undergraduate enrolments by Gender
Fig 3: Undergraduate enrolments by gender and year
Undergraduate enrolments by GenderIn page navigation
Postgraduate enrolments by Gender
Fig 4: Postgraduate enrolments by gender and year
Postgraduate enrolments by GenderIn page navigation
Student enrolment by Home Language
Fig 5: Enrolments by home language and year
Student enrolment by Home LanguageIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Geographical Origin
Fig 6: Enrolments by Geographical Origin of Student and Year
Undergraduate enrolments by GenderIn page navigation
Percentage distribution of qualifications awarded
Fig 7: Percentage distribution of qualifications awarded by qualification type and year
Percentage distribution of qualifications awardedIn page navigation