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Fig 7:
 Distribution of qualifications awarded according to type of qualification and year
Distribution of qualifications awarded according to type of qualification and year In page navigation
Fig 6:
Enrolments according to geographical origin and year
Enrolments according to geographical origin and year In page navigation
Fig 5:
Enrolments according to home language and year
Enrolments according to home language and year In page navigation
Table 6:
Enrolments according to home language and year
Enrolments according to home language and year In page navigation
Table 5:
Enrolments according to programme level, gender and year
Enrolments according to programme level, gender and year In page navigation
Fig 3&4:
Enrolments according to gender and year
Enrolments according to gender and year In page navigation
Table 3:
Enrolments according to faculty, programme level and year
Enrolments according to faculty, programme level and year In page navigation
Fig 2:
 Enrolments according to race and year
Enrolments according to race and year In page navigation
Table 8: Qualifications awarded according to type of qualification and year
Qualifications awarded according to type of qualification and year
Qualifications awarded according to type of qualification and year In page navigation
Table 2:
Enrolments according to programme level and year
Enrolments according to programme level and year In page navigation
Table 4:
Enrolments according to programme level, gender and year
Enrolments according to programme level, gender and year In page navigation
Table 9:
Staff with permanent appointments according to category, race, gender and year
Staff with permanent appointments according to category, race, gender and year In page navigation
Table 7:
Enrolments according to geographical origin and year
Enrolments according to geographical origin and year In page navigation
Table 1:
Enrolments according to year and mode of instruction page navigation