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Head Count of US Students for years 1910 to 2013
Fig. 1: Head Count of US Students for years 1910 to 2013
Head Count of US Students for years 1910 to 2013In page navigation
Student enrolments by Race
Fig 2: Enrolments According to Race and Year
Enrolments According to Race and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Gender
Fig 3: Undergraduate Enrolments According to Gender and Year
Undergraduate Enrolments According to Gender and YearIn page navigation
Postgraduate Enrolments by Gender and Year
Fig 4: Student enrolments by Gender
Postgraduate Enrolments by Gender and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolment by Home Language
Fig 5: Enrolments According to Home Language and Year
Enrolments According to Home Language and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Geographical Origin
Fig 6: Enrolments According to Geographical Origin of Student and Year
Enrolments According to Geographical Origin of Student and yearIn page navigation
Percentage distribution of qualifications awarded
Fig 7: Percentage Distribution of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates Awarded by Qualification Type and Year
Percentage Distribution of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates Awarded by Qualification Type and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Mode of Education
Table 1: Enrolments by Year and Mode of Education
Enrolments by Year and Mode of EducationIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Programme Level
Table 2: Enrolments by Programme Level and Year
Enrolments by Programme Level and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Faculty and Program Level
Table 3: Enrolments According to Faculty, Programme Level and Year
Enrolments According to Faculty, Programme Level and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Programme Level, Gender and Race
Table 4: Enrolments by Programme Level, Gender and Race
Enrolments by Programme Level, Gender and RaceIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Gender and Program Level
Table 5: Enrolment According to Gender, Programme Level and Year
Enrolment Accordning to Gender, Programme Level* and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Home Language
Table 6: Enrolments According to Home Language and Year
Enrolments According to Home Language and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Geographical Origin
Table 7: Enrolments by Geographical Origin of Student and Year
Enrolments by Geographical Origin of Student and YearIn page navigation
Qualifications awarded by Qualification Type
Table 8: Qualifications Awarded by Type of Qualification and Year
Qualifications Awarded by Type of Qualification and YearIn page navigation
Headcount of Permanent Personnel by Category, Race and Gender
Table 9: Head Count of Personnel with Personnel Catergory, Race, Gender and Year
Head Count of Personnel with Personnel Catergory, Race, Gender and YearIn page navigation