a) Options used per year group
SU Language Policy)
Selected compulsory first and second year modules (BTh and BDiv) will, where reasonably
practicable, offer lectures and tutorials in both Afrikaans and English. If all students in a
class group are invited to vote by secret ballot, and all the students who vote, agree so
unanimously, the module will be presented in Afrikaans or English only, conditional to the
required language proficiency and agreement of the lecturer involved.
Module descriptions and assessment instructions (assignments, tests and examinations)
will be made available in both Afrikaans and English.
Students will be allowed to write assignments, tests and examinations in either Afrikaans
or English.
The same lecturer must be responsible for all lectures in a module as well as the setting of
test and examination papers, depending on the language proficiency of the lecturer
involved. In some modules, ad hoc lecturers are contracted to provide Afrikaans teaching,
setting and marking of test and examination papers.
Tutorials will be utilised in such a manner as to serve the on-going commitment of the
faculty to an inclusive culture in our university and country.
All hand-outs and PP-presentations must be tailored to the language used in a specific
class presentation.
The following table provides a survey of undergraduate parallel medium tuition modules
in the Faculty of Theology.