Prof. Robert Vosloo
Received doctoral degree from: University of the Western Cape / Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (1994)
Research interests:
- Systematic theology / Sistematiese teologie
- South African church history / Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis
- History theory / Historiese teorie
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Paul Ricoeur
Most recent publications:
- 2014. “The art of forgetting and historical justice.” The South African Oral History Journal 2/2.
- 2014. “Remembering the Heidelberg Catechism in South Africa today” Acta Theologica
- 2014. “The Reception of the Belhar Confession in the Dutch Reformed Church and Church Polity Discourse”. In: Koffeman, L and Smit, J (eds.), Protestant Church Polity in Changing Contexts II. Münster: LIT Verlag.