Prof. Hendrik Bosman
Received doctoral degree from: University of Pretoria / Universiteit van Pretoria (1983)
Research interests:
- Theology and ethics of the Old Testament / Ou Testamentiese teologie en etiek.
- The book of Exodus and the exodus as theological tradition / Die boek Eksodus en die eksodus as teologiese tradisie.
- Tradition concerning the influence of origin and migration on identity formation / Tradisies aangaande oorsprong en migrasie se invloed op identiteitsvorming.
- Biblical interpretation in the context of 19th century imperialism / Bybelintepretasie binne die konteks van 19de eeuse imperialisme.
- Wysdom liturature of the Old Testament / Ou Testamentiese wysheidsliteratuur.
Most recent publications:
- “Studies in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament in Africa”, in M Saebo (ed), Hebrew Bible / Old Testament III / 2. The History of its Interpretation in the Twentieth Century. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, 2015.
- ‘What does this mean?‘ The Exodus as answer within the inner-biblical discussion of Exodus 13,14 with Deuteronomy 6, 20 and Joshua 4,21.“ In H Ausloos & B Lemmelijn (eds), A Pillar of Cloud to Guide. Festschrift for Marc Vervenne [BETL 269]. Leuven: Peeters, 2014, 31 – 44.
- “The ‘Jerusalem travellers’ as illustration of resistance against the British Empire and the Nineteenth Century Biblical Interpretation in South Africa”, in C Crouch & J Stökl (eds), In the Name of God. The Bible in the Colonial Discourse of Bible (Biblical Interpretation Series 126). Leiden: Brill, 2014, 151 – 168.