Pia Addison Associate Professor Integrated Pest Management pia@sun.ac.za +27218084671
John Terblanche Professor Applied Physiological jst@sun.ac.za +27218089225
Antoinette Malan Associate Professor Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Fungi apm@sun.ac.za +27 21 808 3299
Nomakholwa Stokwe Lecturer: Nematology Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Fungi nfs@sun.ac.za +27 21 808 2546
Shelley Johnson Controlled Atmosphere and Temperature Treatment System (CATTS) sjohnson@sun.ac.za +27 21 808 2694
Minette Karsten Insect Physiology and Genetics minettek@sun.ac.za
Matthew Addison Integrated Pest Management mfa@sun.ac.za +27 21 808 9517
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