Student Societies
Welcome to Stellenbosch University


Anime Society🎐 20200203_190205.jpg

Mission and Vision

The mission of “The Anime Society” is to bring together like-minded people in order
to celebrate the medium of anime as a shared interest, passion, or hobby. This is our
vision for the Anime Society. We intend to do this by hosting a number of events that
are centred around anime as the main theme. This would include anime screenings,
where members can gather to watch sample episodes of various different anime
series with the accompaniment of snacks and drinks. There shall also be quiz nights,
where members’ memory and knowledge of different anime will be tested. We will
also hold welcoming and closing events for the beginning and end of the year
respectively. Organising trips to anime conventions as a society is also something
that we would love to include for those who want to go. We may also hold cosplay
events, where members dress up as one of their favourite characters from an anime.
There are also a host of other types of events we can host as a society. For these
we will use member participation and suggestions to decide depending on what is
most requested. Overall, all of these events will help a group of people, generally
known for not socialising, to socialise. This will not only make life at the University
more pleasant and enjoyable, but will help past university life as members will be
able to make those bonds and friendships that will last for the rest of their lives.

Contact Us

Cell: 0605087296/0799699204
Instagram: @su_animesociety​

Membership Fee


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