Welcome to
Stellenbosch University
Student Court

The Student Court is responsible for the resolution of student disputes, inter-society disputes and SRC constitutional matters.
It functions as an independent, administrative tribunal that applies the Student Constitution impartially, without fear, favour or prejudice.
"Fiat justitia ruat caelum"
Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
Our Purpose and Function
The Student Court is the judicial arm of student governance at the University of Stellench.
Section 3(3) of the Student Constitution provides for the creation of the Student Court. Its primary role is to adjudicate on disputes between students and the various student governance bodies that exist.
It also reviews certain policy documents that govern student bodies to ensure that they have been passed in a procedurally fair manner and that they comply with the Student Constitution.
Disputes with Societies
If you have a dispute with a society, the Student Court specifically has the capacity to chair:
Mediations: Where both parties to a dispute approach the Court to assist them in negotiations with the aim of settling the dispute. The Court does not make a binding order in a mediation.
Adjudications: Where the parties to a dispute require the Court to hear a matter and make a binding order at the conclusion of the proceedings.