Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Academic Writing: Theses and Dissertations


This four day workshop aims to provide an introduction to the writing skills required for producing and organising information in theses and dissertations. Various topics about writing theses and dissertations will be discussed, such as the role of the reader, style,  internal  and  external  structure,  coherence, argumentation,  as  well  as how  to  write specific sections of a thesis or dissertation. However, the purpose of the workshop is not to furnish participants with a recipe or rigid writing ‘rules’ but rather to provide guidelines about using different writing strategies to effectively convey information, data and arguments.

Please note: This is a workshop, not a presentation. Participants will be required to work together and to discuss aspects of textual construction with each other.

Contact and booking details​​

Please note that we will confirm your successful registration on receipt. Booking is essential and places are limited. The following dates are tentative - we will notify you if anything changes.


This workshop opportunity is funded by the Postgraduate Office. There is no cost involved for registered SU postgraduates who sign up and attend, however, in the case of late cancellations or non-attendance, applicants will be responsible for the full workshop fee since late cancellations and non-attendance have considerable cost implications for our office.​

Times, and format:

In-person workshops 
Stellenbosch central campus. Venue to be confirmed with successful applicants. 
Time: 09:00-13:00 

(Online sessions via Microsoft Teams) 
The workshop consists of two sessions per day:
Time: 09:00-13:00 (with short breaks in-between).

Please note you must be available to attend all days of the workshop. The workshop material will only be be made available for those who attend.

Click on a workshop sign-up link below to secure your place.

​​The Postgraduate Skills Development Programme reserves the right to reshedule or to cancel a workshop if there is not enough interest. Registrations close five days before a workshop or when the workshop has reached capacity.

In-person 7-10 April  2025In-person 7-10 April 2025 Theses and Dissertations
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Azv6pjwKWEKEM6Eg3_zTSHXGgtVkEVVIkyFc_b0cwcpUQ1ZKR1oyQUpXVDZKWTJLQzNJVFcwMEEwSyQlQCNjPTEuIn page navigation
Online 26-29 May 2025Online 26-29 May 2025 Theses and Dissertations
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Azv6pjwKWEKEM6Eg3_zTSHXGgtVkEVVIkyFc_b0cwcpUNzNCWk44SVZIMzhNODVHRlE2SVQ2WktONyQlQCNjPTEuIn page navigation

For enquiries please email pgskills@sun.ac.za.