Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Electronic Research Administration (for records prior to the 2024 survey)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​An electronic system, the Research Administrator (RA), has until 2024 been used for capturing the data required for the annual research outputs survey. This system will still be active for viewing by the coordinators during 2025, especially as far as the subsidy reports for DHET-acccredited publications are concerned. 


​​user.pngDaléne Pieterse
phone-call.png021 808 3557
email.pngEmail Daléne​​​
user.png​Felicia McDonald
phone-call.png021 808 2581
email.pngEmail Felicia​
user.pngWhitney Prins
phone-call.png021 808 9971
email.pngEmail Whitney​​