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Real-time state estimation and feedback control of an oscillating qubit via self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP), P. du toit, ​S. Burd, ​T. Konrad​, H. Uys , Metrologia 56 (2019​)​​


Quantum control through measurem​ent feedback​, H. Uys​ H. Bassa, P. du toit, ​S. Gosh, ​T. Konrad​ , PHYSICAL REVIEW A​ 97 (6), 060102 (2018)​​


Quantum control through a self-fulfilling prophecy, H.Uys, H. Bassa, P.J.W. du Toit, S. Gosh, T. Konrad, arXiv:1705.10356

Equation of motion for estimation fidelity of monitored  oscillating qubits, H. Bassa, T. Konrad, L. Diosi, H. Uys, PHYSICS LETTERS A 381 (29), 2293 (2017)

Noninvasive measurement of dynamic correlation functions, P. Uhrich, S. Castrignano, H. Uys, M. Kastner. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92, 022127 (2017)


Analytically exploiting noise correlations inside the feedback loop to improve locked-oscillator performance, J. Sastrawan, C. Jones, I. Akhalwaya, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 022204 (2016)

Vibration-induced field fluctuations in a superconducting magnet, J.W. Britton, J.G. Bohnet, B.C. Sawyer, H. Uys,  M.J. Biercuk, and J. J. Bollinger, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 93, 062511 (2016)


Vibration induced field fluctuations in a superconducting magnet, J. W. Britton, B. C. Sawyer, J. G. Bohnet, H. Uys, M. J. Biercuk, and J. J. Bollinger,  arXiv:1512.00801

Process tomography via sequential measurements on a single quantum system, H. Bassa, S.K. Goyal, S.K. Choudhary, H. Uys, L. Diosi, T. Konrad, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92, 032102 (2015)



Coupled Optical Resonance Laser Locking , S. Burd, H. Uys, , Optics Express 22, 25043 (2014)

A. Soare, H. Ball, D. Hayes, X. Zhen, M. C. Jarratt, J. Sastrawan, H. Uys, and M.J. Biercuk, Experimental bath engineering for quantitative studies of quantum control, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 042329 (2014)


Arbitrary quantum control of qubits in the presence of universal noise, T.J. Green, J. Sastrawan, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 15, 095004 (2013)

Implementation schemes for unsharp measurements with trapped ions, S.J. Choudhary, T. Konrad, H. Uys, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 012131 (2013)


High-order noise filtering in nontrivial quantum logic gates, T. Green, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109, 020501 (2012)

Spectroscopy and thermometry of drumhead modes in a mesoscopic trapped-ion crystal using entanglement, B.C. Sawyer, J.W. Britton, A.C. Keith, C.C.J. Wang, J.K. Freericks, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, J.J. Bollinger, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 108, 213003 (2012)

Engineered two-dimensional Ising Interactions in a trapped-ion quantum simulator with hundreds of spins, J.W. Britton, B.C. Sawyer, A.C. Keith, C.C.J. Wang, J.K. Freericks, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, J.J. Bollinger, NATURE 484, 489 (2012)

Maintaining quantum coherence in the presence of noise through state monitoring, T. Konrad, H Uys, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 012102 (2012)


Phase-coherent detection of an optical dipole force by Doppler velocimetry, M.J. Biercuk, H. Uys, J.W. Britton, A.P. VanDevender, J.J. Bollinger, OPTICS EXPRESS 19, 10304 (2011)

Laser induced and controlled chemical reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, A. du Plessis, C.A. Strydom, H. Uys, L.R. Botha, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 135, 204303 (2011)

M.J. Biercuk, A.C. Doherty, H. Uys, Dynamical decoupling sequence construction as a filter-design problem, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B 44, 154002 (2011)



Decoherence due to elastic Rayleigh scattering, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, A.P. VanDevender, C. Ospelkaus, D. Meiser, R. Ozeri, J.J. Bollinger, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 105, 200401 (2010)

Ultrasensitive detection of force and displacement using trapped ions, M.J. Biercuk, H. Uys, J.W. Britton , A.P. VanDevender, J.J. Bollinger, NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 5, 646-650 (2010)

Toward scalable ion traps for quantum information processing, J.M. Amini, H. Uys, J.H. Wesenberg, S. Seidelin, J. Britton, J.J. Bollinger, D. Leibfried, C. Ospelkaus, A.P. van Devender, D.J. Wineland, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 12,
033031 (2010)


Optimized dynamical decoupling in a model quantum memory, M.J. Biercuk, H. Uys, A.P. VanDevender, N. Shiga, W.M. Itano, J.J. Bollinger, NATURE 458, 996-1000 (2009)

Optimized noise filtration through dynamical decoupling, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, J.J. Bollinger, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 103, 040501 (2009)

Experimental Uhrig dynamical decoupling using trapped ions, M.J. Biercuk, H. Uys, A.P. VanDevender, N. Shiga, W.M. Itano, J.J. Bollinger, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 062324 (2009)

High-fidelity quantum control using ion crystals in a Penning trap, M.J. Biercuk, H. Uys, A.P. VanDevender, N. Shiga, W.M. Itano, J.J. Bollinger, QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION 9, 920-949 (2009)

Prolonging qubit coherence – dynamical decoupling schemes studied in a Penning ion trap, H. Uys, M.J. Biercuk, A.P. VanDevender, N. Shiga, W.M. Itano, J.J. Bollinger, Conference Proceedings of OPTO 2009 - SPIE Photonics West


Cooperative scattering of light and atoms in ultracold atomic gases, H. Uys, P. Meystre, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 5 (7), 487-502 (2008)

Superradiant Raman scattering in an ultracold Bose gas at finite temperature, H. Uys, P. Meystre, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77, 063614 (2008)

Optomechanical trapping and cooling of partially reflective mirrors, M. Bhattacharya, H. Uys, P. Meystre, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77, 033819 (2008)


Quantum states for Heisenberg-limited interferometry, H. Uys, P. Meystre, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 76, 013804 (2007)

Theory of coherent Raman superradiance imaging of condensed Bose gases, H. Uys, P. Meystre, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 033805 (2007)


Quantum optics of ultra-cold molecules, D. Meiser, T. Miyakawa, H. Uys, P. Meystre, ADVANCES IN ATOMIC MOLECULAR, AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 53, 151-186 (2006)

Hermitization and the Poisson bracket-commutator correspondence as a consequence of averaging, A.I. Pesci, R.E. Goldstein, H. Uys, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 39 (4), 789-803 (2006)


Fluctuations in the formation time of ultracold dimers from fermionic atoms, H. Uys, T. Miyakawa, D. Meiser, P. Meystre, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72 , 053616 (2005)

​Matter-wave decoherence due to a gas environment in an atom interferometer, H. Uys, J.D. Perreault, A.D. Cronin, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95, 150403 (2005)

Mapping of the relativistic kinetic balance equations onto the Klein-Gordon and second-order Dirac equations, A.I. Pesci, R.E. Goldstein, H. Uys, NONLINEARITY 18 (3), 1295-1304 (2005)

Mapping of the classical kinetic balance equations onto the Pauli equation, A.I. Pesci, R.E. Goldstein, H. Uys, NONLINEARITY 18 (1), 227-235 JAN (2005)


Foundations of nonextensive statistical mechanics and its cosmological applications, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino, H.G. Miller, H. Uys, ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 290 (3-4), 275-286 (2004)


Generalized statistics and high-T-c superconductivity, H. Uys, H.G. Miller, F.C. Khanna, PHYSICS LETTERS A 289 (4-5), 264-272 (2001)