Clinical Endocrinology
The division has a special clinical interest in:
- Pituitary disease
- Gestational Diabetes
- Osteoporosis
- Neuroendocrine Tumours
- Thyroid disease
Inpatient services:
- The Endocrine Unit has 12 dedicated beds for the admission and workup of patients with diabetes mellitus or other endocrinopathies
- We have access to dietetic services for the inpatient dietary assessment of all diabetic patients
Outpatient clinics:
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus clinic (weekly)
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus clinic (weekly)
- Post-partum diabetes clinic (monthly)
- General Endocrine Clinic (weekly)
- Neuroendocrine tumour meeting: Monthly multi-disciplinary collaboration between endocrinology, general surgery, nuclear medicine, pathology and oncology
- Pituitary Meeting: Monthly multi-disciplinary meeting attended by endocrinology, radiology, neurosurgery and radiation oncology, where the management of patients with pituitary pathology is discussed.
- Diabetes in pregnancy: Weekly ward round with the obstetrics department special care team, where complicated patients with pre-gestational or gestational diabetes are discussed and managed.
- Combined Groote Schuur and Tygerberg Hospital academic meeting: Monthly meeting where interesting and complicated endocrine cases are discussed and debated
We welcome attendance and participation of all clinicians (public and private) with an interest in endocrinology at our meetings. We gladly offer assistance to discuss complex cases from outside. For more information on meetings, please contact us.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry:
The Division offers a DXA imaging service for hospital and clinical trial patients.