Industrial Psycholohy
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Master's Applicants

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Department offers the following master's programmes: Please click on the relevant programme below  for the requirements

    • Full-thesis master's

For more information on the Industrial Psychology Programme Structure and Course Content please click here .

  • Programme starts:               January
  • Programme offered:            Modular

Our Masters programme in Industrial Psychology are offered on a modular basis.  Compulsory classes are being offered in three block sessions during one year, totaling five weeks.  The weeks are generally offered as follows:  one week in the third week of January; two weeks at the end/beginning of May/June and the last two weeks at the beginning of November (this totals 25 study leave days you will request from your employer for the year). Furthermore, any transport or accommodation arrangements remains the responsibility of the student.

The MCom (Industrial Psychology) coursework/structured master's offers admission to a twelve month internship that leads to statutory registration as Psychologist (Industrial Psychology) with the Health Profession Council of South Africa (HPCSA) after successfully sitting for an examination set by the Board for Psychology of the HPCSA.  The MCom (Human Resource Management) leads to non-statutory registration as master Human Resource Practitioner.


The department offers a bursary ​for Master's Degree Students based on historical academic performances. Please forward the completed bursary application form to Ms C Cillie as indicated on the form.

Applications open on the 1st of May

The Stellenbosch University website is accessible via the following link  for the official application.

Contact  Ms C Cillie - Tel: 021-808-3005   / E-pos: for further enquiries


​​Electronic application to close for

South African candidates: 30 September  and

International candidates: 1 September  

Post Graduate Weekly Time TablePost Graduate Weekly Time Table
Post Graduate Weekly Time TableNew tab
Programme Schedule Programme Schedule
ScheduleNew tab
Decentralised Assessment FormDecentralised Assessment Form
Decentralised Assessment FormNew tab
Employer consentEmployer consent
Employer consent New tab
Guideline:  Research Proposals{89D523AB-B060-4D6D-933B-E7906F77CE96}&file=Guidelines1%20for%20Master%20Research%20Proposal.docx&action=defaultNew tab
Guideline: Writing Papers Image{206439CD-790D-40A9-9DBE-3149FBF83588}&file=Guidelines%20for%20writing%20papers%20in%20Industrial%20Psychology%202014.pdf&action=defaultNew tab
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