MA, PhD (Classical Literature), Stellenbosch
Office: Arts 342
Email: amdev@sun.ac.za
Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Specialisation
Latin literature from the Golden Era (Catullus, Vergil, Horace, Ovid)
Human-animal relationships in the Classical world
Roman Epic
Classical Love Poetry
Identity in Latin Literature
Courses Taught in 2021
Latin 214 (grammar)
Latin 244 (Catullus, Ovid)
Latin 318 (Horace)
Latin 348 (Vergil)
Latin Honours (Catullus & Vergil)
Ancient Cultures Honours: Vergil's Aeneid
Current Research Projects
Selected Publications
The Liminality of Loss: Catullus on His Brother's Death. Acta Classica 63(1): 111-124. 2020.
Liminality and Catullus's Attis. Helios, 44(2): 157-179. 2017.
The Deer Hunter: A Portrait of Aeneas. Akroterion 58: 47-59. 2013.
Ek haat en ek het lief. Die gedige van Gaius Valerius Catullus in Afrikaans vertaal. Stellenbosch: SunMedia. 2011. ISBN 978-0-620-52022-5
Mellon Academic Staff Development Programme Award (2014)
Rector's Award (First Year Academy): Recognition given to lecturer who had greatest impact on a first year student (Stellenbosch) (2013)
Classical Association of South Africa Translation Award: First Prize for the Afrikaans translation of Vergil's first Eclogue (2011)
Sheelagh Fitzpatrick de Vries Bursary for postgraduate studies in Latin (2011)
Rector's Award (First Year Academy): Recognition given to lecturer who had greatest impact on a first year student (Stellenbosch) (2009)
Academic service/Community interaction
Freelance translator (Latin, Afrikaans, and English)
Language Consultant (Latin)
Member of the editorial board fo the journal Akroterion