Lecturer in Thermo-fluids
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer: Power generation; Cooling system performance evaluation and optimisation for industrial applications.
email: mctshamala@sun.ac.za
Stellenbosch University: MScIng, 2014
Professional Experience
2015 - to date Stellenbosch University, department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
Publications, Presentations and Patents
Journal Articles
TSHAMALA MC, DOBSON RT. Simulation of a high-temperature modular reactor (HTMR) for power and coal-to-liquid fuel-cogeneration plant. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montreal, Canada, 2014: 1-14.
Proceedings International
TSHAMALA MC, DOBSON RT. Design of heat -pipe exchanger (HPHE) for a coal-to-liquid fuel process using nuclear energy. ICONE 24 International conference on nuclear engineering, Charlotte, USA, ASME 2016: 1-11.