Stellenbosch is a small city environment with high levels of congestion. Stellenbosch University, good schools, a bustling central business core and tourist appeal make central Stellenbosch an intense trip attractor. Significant delay and adverse environmental impact result.
The Stellenbosch Smart Mobility Lab (SSML) is a state-of-the-art research facility established at Stellenbosch University to assist in research and implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) applications to the transport system in order to improve mobility, safety and traveler experience.
Our vision is to provide a world class platform for the research and development of smart mobility solutions that promote sustainable, safe and optimised transport within the developing country context, using Stellenbosch as a practical test-bed. As a relatively contained destination hub experiencing intense mobility issues, Stellenbosch is a perfect test-bed for transport related Smart City applications. The SSML will study the benefits of international transport based Smart City and Connected Vehicle initiatives in a South African context, while improving Stellenbosch mobility.
Find out more about the Team behind the SSML, who our academic and industry Partners are.