The South African National Development Plan sets an action agenda for South Africa for realising the South African Vision 2030. The NDP and Vision 2030 relates to all of the knowledge requirements identified and prioritised in the knowledge programme areas of the Stellenbosch Good Governance Forum (SGGF).
The SGGF, an initiative situated within Stellenbosch University is a knowledge and learning forum associated with the School of Public Leadership (SPL) at SU. The SGGF promotes better governance through inclusive innovation and knowledge-based implementation. The work of the SGGF in this regard focuses on how the governance partnerships between the public sector and business sectors, as well as civil society can contribute to effective and ethical governance for the benefit of citizens. Ultimately the SGGF strives to assist and facilitate the creation of public value.
The Purpose and Objectives of the SGGF
The purpose and objectives of the SGGF are to:
Facilitate the creation and institutionalisation of sustainable good governance;
Act as a knowledge partner and innovation incubator related to national planning;
Provide for specific focus on the implementation modalities and capacity building to support and inform national development as in the NDP; and
Build, leverage and utilise the knowledge and experience bases of strong, real and virtual academic and professional knowledge networks to facilitate research, practice and dialogue.
SGGF actions are based on the following precepts:
Being strong on vision and weak on boundaries;
The building and sustainable leading of a wide and strong knowledge network;
The pursuit of projects with partners under the envisaged SGGF programme;
SGGF Programmes
The SGGF programmes include:
•Programme 1: Enhancing and incubating the National Good Governance Dialogue through strategic and relevant conversations using an all-media approach for the conversation to raise society-wide awareness about good governance, also as a South African Constitutional imperative, through The National Good Governance Conversations Programme.
•Programme 2: The creation and maintenance of a national knowledge repository of good governance knowledge and research initiatives in the form of a research and knowledge inventory through a mapping and recording exercise, namely The Mapping and Maintaining the Knowledge and Research Landscape Programme.
•Programme 3: The conducting of an action research initiative with the objective to support learning governance in the form of The Action Research and Action Learning for Impactful National Implementation through the Inclusive Innovation Programme.
•Programme 4: The creation and dissemination of knowledge for good governance through action research and action learning, also in the form of academic education programmes, such as The Creation and Dissemination of Implementation Knowledge through the Education and Training Programme.
•Programme 5: Developing thought and action leadership capacity and competencies in an educational and experiential way using multiple methods of development in The Developing of Implementation Focused Learning Governance and Leadership Programme.
For further information contact Ms Natalie Seifert Tel +27 (0) 21 918 4122 or e-mail: