Perceptions of
structural racism and historical responsibility under conditions of crisis
Principal Investigators: Melike Fourie (SU), Wilhelm Verwoerd (SU)
This project was conducted during the South African peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and sought to explore whether
the disruption in public life during lockdown conditions shifted White South Africans' perceptions in
terms of (i) ongoing structural racism in South Africa, (ii) their historical
implication as beneficiaries of apartheid injustices, and (iii) their personal
responsibility for redress (i.e., social justice), or whether the pandemic strengthened a culture of
paternalistic emergency relief. We were
furthermore interested in determining whether moral affect (e.g., guilt,
shame, righteous anger, and empathy) strengthened such potential
Empathy in response to forgiveness and remorse: A Neuroimaging study
Principal Investigators: Melike Fourie (SU), Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (SU)
Collaborators: Jean Decety (Chicago University), Dan Stein (UCT), Mark Solms (UCT)
study examined empathic responses of Black and White South African
adults from the general population in response to video-footage from the
South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) hearings.
Specifically, video clips portrayed Black and White victims of apartheid
violence either showing forgiveness or not, or perpetrators of that
violence either showing remorse or not. Participants' level of everyday
discrimination was also recorded to examine possible associations with
empathic response in historically oppressed/disadvantaged versus
unoppressed/advantaged groups.
Intergroup empathic failures in response to complex narrative videos
Principal Investigator: Melike Fourie (SU)
Collaborator: Emile Bruneau (University of Pennsylvania)
current project seeks to examine empathic failures between White and
Black South Africans using ecologically valid, complex narrative video
stimuli. Specifically, to better characterize neural mechanisms
underlying implicit empathic biases, we want to analyze neural
activation patterns over time using intersubject correlation (ISC)
analysis. This will allow us to extend previous research by using
engaging visual narrative stimuli to examine empathic responses over
time and in racial groups characterized by historical conflict. The
project will also implement an intervention aimed at increasing
intergroup empathy to investigate its potential in mitigating
between-group differences in neural activation.
South African Workplace Transformation Project
Collaborators: Melike Fourie (SU), Hermann Swart (SU), Kim Wale (SU), Miles Hewstone (Oxford University)
African society is currently facing a political and moral crisis.
Despite the ideals of reconciliation and forgiveness that helped birth
the new democracy, notions of equality do not seem to have filtered down
into the everyday experiences of race in South Africa. Instead, our
current reality is fraught with racial tensions, increasing economic
inequality and geographic segregation, and our identity politics seem
more problematic than in 1994. The present study seeks to explore South
African racial (as well as gender) dynamics in the context of the
workplace and against the backdrop of the institutional transformation
goals. Both quantitative and qualitative measures will be employed to
assess how transformation is experienced within a population of (at
least theoretically) economically empowered people, what role the
workplace plays in terms of promoting social cohesion and/or reducing
stereotypes, and the role of intergroup contact in mediating these
Predictors of intergroup outcomes and conflict in the South African context
Principal Investigator: Melike Fourie (SU)
Collaborator: Emile Bruneau (University of Pennsylvania)
research explores some of the psychological processes that appear to be
driving intergroup conflict and hostility in South Africa.
Specifically, survey measures are employed to assess potential
predictors of negative outgroup responses in terms of support for
collective action in a large South African sample of Black, White, and
Coloured participants. Measures assessed include collective blame of
outgroup individuals, dehumanization and meta-perceptions of outgroup
dehumanization, and parochial empathy (i.e., empathy felt for members of
one's own group versus members of the outgroup). A secondary aim is to
compare responses intergenerationally, that is, between an older
apartheid generation and younger members of the population that were
born post-apartheid.