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Citing Archival Material


citationImages.jpgThe US Archives houses mainly primary sources, which means that most of the records and documents are unique and cannot be found at any other place.  Archival collections are also rarely catalogued at item level.  It is therefore very important to cite sources properly as retrieving them later might be difficult or impossible if the citations are not complete.  It is important to note as much information as possible about the item as it is found on the item itself, finding aids, labels, folders and boxes - even if all of the information is not used in the end. 

The key information that should be noted are:

  • Title and information about the item itself, including the creator, page, section, and date information, where applicable or necessary (you may have to supply a title yourself)
  • Collection or record group of which the item is a part
  • Subcollection, series, or subseries of which the item is a part (if applicable)
  • Box and folder name or number in which the item is found (if applicable)
  • Repository where the original is held. This will always be: SU Archives, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch.


Format:  [item], [folder title], [series title (if any)], [collection name], [accession or manuscript number], US Archives, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch


  1. Sekretariële brief van die Minister van Justisie, 25 Februarie 1941, Die Edelagbare Mr. H.S. van Zyl, Judge Presidents' Chambers, Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad.  US Argief, Stellenbosch Universiteit, Stellenbosch.

  2. Notule van die Uitvoerende Bestuursvergadering, 26 Julie 1940. (192.1.C.1) Universiteit van Stellenbosch.  Uitvoerende Komitee.  Notules (30 Maart 1936 – 7 November 1945). (SVR).  US Argief, Stellenbosch Universiteit, Stellenbosch.

  3. Notules van die Studente Verteenwoordigende Raad (SVR) vergaderings, 16 Junie 1937.  (6 April 1936 – 25 September 1941) "A.N.S. Mosie", (maak deel uit van Studenteraad dokumente).  US Argief, Stellenbosch Universiteit, Stellenbosch.



Format:  [description of image], [date], [identification number or name], [collection], US Archives, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch


  1. Victoria College students and full staff, c. 1909, 00682, Watson-Lockley, SU Archives, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch

  2. Victoria College group, 1954-14-04, Lockley_17257, Watson-Lockley, SU Archives, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch

  3. Junior Day, 1948, Edrich_00065, Edrich Photographic Collection, SU Archives, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch​