Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Knowledge, Interchange & Collaboration (KIC)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​KIC funding supports researchers who require travel funding and have not received it through any other current NRF grant​​. The purpose of the KIC is  to contribute to internationalising​ South Africa’s research; enhancing global networking with peer researchers, and fostering collaboration in order to improve the quality of research outputs.

 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Full-time employees at SU or on a fixed-term contract
  • Supervisors may apply on behalf of their doctoral students
  • Applicants must have at least a Master's degree
The call for KIC applications are made available once a year. However, the call may be opened twice a year depending on the availability of funding.

user.pngDominique Meyer
phone-call.png​ 021 808 9566