Stellenbosch University
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​World Aids Day 2024: Shifting towards a more inclusive paradigm​​World Aids Day 2024: Shifting towards a more inclusive paradigm​Africa Centre for HIV/Aids ManagementThe Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management will host a webinar to discuss its shift towards inclusive health management to commemorate World Aids Day.
SU student inspires with candid autobiography about her journey with cerebral palsy student inspires with candid autobiography about her journey with cerebral palsyCorporate Communications and Marketing (Hannelie Booyens)Jess, who is completing a master’s degree in linguistics, recently published an autobiography called Broken and Beautiful to inspire others to find their own strength.
Prof Sope Williams exposes the ugly truth of sexual corruption Sope Williams exposes the ugly truth of sexual corruptionCorporate Communications and Marketing (Hannelie Booyens)Her recent research has uncovered a disturbing trend – the pervasive problem of sexual corruption in South Africa.
Prof Juliana Claassens centres feminist perspectives in theology Juliana Claassens centres feminist perspectives in theologyCorporate Communications and MarketingAs head of the Gender Unit in the Faculty of Theology, Prof Juliana Claassens lives her passion for human dignity and gender justice.
Solomzi Mphambo proudly embodies black feminism Mphambo proudly embodies black feminism Corporate Communications and MarketingAs a member of the SRC, Solomzi Mphambo is a passionate voice for women and the queer community on campus.
Rabia Abba Omar probes the link between art and activism Abba Omar probes the link between art and activismCorporate Communications and MarketingAs researcher and curator Rabia Abba Omar is an outspoken advocate for gender equality and women’s rights.
Prof Soraya Seedat uses her expertise to advocate for gender equity Soraya Seedat uses her expertise to advocate for gender equityCorporate Communications and MarketingProf Soraya Seedat has been at SU since 1993 and is a leading expert in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety.
Overcoming obstacles to gender equality in the military obstacles to gender equality in the military Lindy HeineckenThe South African National Defence Force has made significant strides in addressing gender equality. However, women continue to face many obstacles that affect their inclusion and exclusion in the military.
Prof Louise du Toit cultivates critical thinking about gender justice Louise du Toit cultivates critical thinking about gender justice Corporate Communications and Marketing Prof Louise du Toit specialises in feminist philosophy and teaches extensively on gender equity and sexual violence.
When the will becomes the way the will becomes the wayPetro MostertWhen the will becomes the way