Welcome to Stellenbosch University
cape town, skyline, african urban metabolism, resource flows

Peer-reviewed publications

Smit S, Musango JK, Brent AC, Kovavic Z (2017). Conceptualising Slum in an urban African context. Paper accepted to Cities, 30 Dec 2016

Currie P, Musango JK (2016). African urbanisation: assimilating urban metabolism into sustainability discourse and practice. Journal of Industrial Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12517

Kovavic Z, Smit S, Musango JK, Brent AC, Giampietro M (2016). Probing uncertainty levels of electrification in informal urban settlements: A case from South Africa. Habitat International, 56: 212-221. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.06.002

Brent AC, Musango JK, Smit S, Pillay NS, Botha A, Louw R, Roper S, Simelani T, Clifford-Holmes JK, Pretorius L (2016). Utilisation of system dynamics in Southern Africa: A systematic review. Systems Research and Behavioural Science, available online:

Currie P, Lay-Sleeper E, Fernandez JE, Kim J, Musango JK (2015). Towards urban resource flow estimates in data scarce environments: the case of African cities. Journal of Environmental Protection, 6: 1066-1083. Available online:


Smit S, Musango JK (2015). Exploring the connections between green economy and informal economy in South Africa. South Africa Journal of Science, Volume 111 (11/12): 1-10 - ​


Smit S, Musango JK (2015). Towards connecting green economy with informal economy in South Africa: A review and way forward. Ecological Economics 116: 154-159.


Musango JK (2014). Household electricity access and consumption behaviour in an urban environment: the case of Gauteng in South Africa. Energy for Sustainable Development (2014): 305-316


Musango JK, Brent AC, Tshagela M (2014). Green economy transitioning of the South African power sector: A system dynamics analysis approach. Development Southern Africa 31(5): 744-758


Musango JK, Brent AC, Bassi AM (2014). Modelling the transition towards green economy in South Africa. Technology Forecasting and Social Change 87:257-273


Ncube M, Zikhali P, Musango JK (2013). The impact of climate variability on water and energy demand: the case of South African local governments. Water and Environment Journal 27: 29-41


Conference papers

Mqadi L, Musango JK, Brent AC (2016). A systems approach to strategic electricity planning in South Africa. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 2-6

Musango JK, Currie P, Brent AC (2016). Potential electricity futures for the city of Cape Town: a system dynamics approach. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 20-23


Duminy L, Musango JK (2016). Air in urban areas – a system dynamics approach to urbanisation. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 7-11

Duminy L, Brent AC, Musango JK (2016). Getting our heads out of the sand – a system dynamics approach to the ostrich production commodity cycle in South Africa. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 45-51


Du Plooy N, Brent AC, Musango JK (2016). Renewable energy jobs and REI4P investment in South Africa: a System dynamics approach. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 73-77

 Duminy L, Musango JK (2016). Fishing for food security. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 95-104

Du Plooy N, Engelbrecht F, Read M, Musango JK, Brent AC (2016). The battle of the water-loo in urban informal settlements: a system dynamics approach. In: Musango JK, Brent AC (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th Annual System Dynamics Conference, 17th – 18th November 2016, Markötter, Paul Roos, Stellenbosch. ISBN 978-0-7972-1659-4. Available online:, pp. 128-132

Smit S, Musango JK, Kovacic Z, Brent AC (2016). An investigation into energy flows in urban slums in an African context. Paper presented at the International Renewable Energy Conference, 25 -28 October, Gaborone, Botswana

 Musango JK, Currie P, Brent AC (2016). Implication of urbanisation on electricity provision in African cities: A system dynamics approach. Paper presented at the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 17 - 21 July 2015, Delft, The Netherlands

Smit S, Musango JK, Brent AC (2016). A systems approach to inform connecting urban informal settlements to the city. Paper presented at the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 17 - 21 July 2015, Delft, The Netherlands

Musango JK, Brent AC, van Niekerk JBS, Jonker WD, Pienaar A, York, TA, Oosthuizen J, Duminy L, de Kock IH (2015). A system dynamics approach to understand the implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Paper presented at the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 19-23 July 2015, Cambridge, MA, United States


van Niekerk JBS, Brent AC,  Musango JK (2015). Agriculture sector implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference for Management of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 June 2015


Jonker WD, Brent AC, Musango JK (2015). Modelling the production of biofuel within the Western Cape province, South Africa. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference for Management of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 June 2015


Duminy L, Brent AC, Musango JK (2015). Commercial fishing and aquaculture implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference for Management of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 June 2015


York TA, Brent AC, Musango JK (2015). Infrastructure implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference for Management of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 June 2015


Pienaar A, Brent AC, Musango JK (2015).Water resource implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape province of South Africa: A modelling approach review. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference for Management of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 June

Completed Postgraduate thesis

Name: Reshmi Joseph Muringathuparambil

Masters thesis title: Typology of representative building designs within townships for energy efficiency in the City of Cape Town

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Dr Josephine K Musango

Name: Sumaya Mohamed

Masters thesis title: Assessment of the City of Cape Town's energy efficiency programmes within its internal operations

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Dr Josephine K Musango and Prof Alan C Brent

Name: Ebenaezer Appies

Masters thesis title: Energy infrastructure transition in urban informal households in South Africa

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Dr Josephine K Musango and Prof Alan C Brent

Name: Aliza P Pienaar

Masters thesis title: Water resource infrastructure implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa: a system dynamics approach

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof Alan C Brent and Dr Josephine K Musango

Name: Lize Duminy

Masters thesis title: A system dynamics approach to understanding the ostrich industry in South Africa

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof Alan C Brent and Dr Josephine K Musango

Name: Juan Oosthuizen

Masters thesis title: Transition towards a sustainable electricity sector in the Western Cape Province: A system dynamics approach

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof Alan C Brent and Dr Josephine K Musango

Name: Willem D Jonker

Thesis title: Biofuel implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa : a system dynamics modelling approach to biofuel

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof Alan C Brent and Dr Josephine K Musango


Name: Theodore A York

Thesis title: Infrastructure implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa: a system dynamics modelling approach.   

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof Alan C Brent and Dr Josephine K Musango


Name: Jacobus Bosman Smit Van Niekerk

Thesis title: Agriculture sector implications of a green economy transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa: a system dynamics modelling approach to food crop production.  

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof Alan C Brent and Dr Josephine K Musango


Name: Paul K Currie

Thesis title:  A Resource Flow Typology of African Cities.

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Dr Josephine K Musango


Name: Suzanne Smit

Thesis title:  Towards an 'inclusive green economy' for South

Africa: Engaging with the informal economy

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Dr Josephine K Musango​​