Ancient Studies
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Prof Annemaré Kotzé



Associate Professor​

B.Mus (Education), Stellenbosch

MA, DLitt (Latin Literature), Stellenbosch


Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Specialisation

  • Augustine's Confessions

  • Ancient Protreptic

  • First-person narratives in antiquity

Courses Taught in 2021

  • Greek 178 - New Testament Greek for Beginners

  • Latin 348 - Augustine's Confessions

  • Honours in Latin - Augustine's Contra Fortunatum

Current Research Projects

  • The intersection between autobiographical narrative and protreptic communicative purpose in first-person accounts from the first to the third centuries CE.

  • Factuality and ficionality in ancient first-person narratives

  • The Rhetoric of the Contra Fortunatum

Selected Publications - Books


O. Alieva, A. Kotzé & S. van der Meeren (eds.)

When Wisdom Calls. Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity



InSearchofTruth.jpegJ.A van den Berg, A Kotzé, T Nicklas & M. Scopello (eds.)

‘In Search of Truth’: Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism


Leiden: Brill

AugustinesConfessions.jpegA. Kotzé.

Augustine's Confessions: Communicative Purpose and Audience


Leiden: Brill

Selected Publications - Articles and Essays

  • The Use of Scripture in Augustine’s Confessions. In The Bible in Christian North Africa. Part 1: Commencement to the Council of Carthage (180 to 397 C.E.). Edited by Jonathan Yates and Anthony Dupont, 343-366. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter. 2020.

  • Augustine and the Remaking of Martyrdom. In Wiley Blackwell Companion to Christian Martyrdom. Edited by Paul Middleton, 135-150. Chichester: Wiley. 2020.

  • The Structure and Genre of the Confessions. In The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Confessions, 28-45. Edited by Tarmo Toom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2020.

  • Augustine addressing God and man in the Confessions. In Prayer and Contemplation in Late Antiquity. Edited by Eleni Pachoumi and Mark Edwards, 139-155. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2018.

  • Autobiography and Protreptic. In When Wisdom Calls. Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity. Edited by Olga Alieva, Annemaré Kotzé and Sophie van der Meeren, 365-386. Turnhout: Brepols. 2018.

  • Augustine on Himself. In Augustine in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2017.

  • Protreptik. In Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. 372-393. Edited by Heorg Schöllgen et al. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann. 2017.

  • Perspectives on three instances of Greek autobiographical writing from the fourth century B.C.E. Classical World 109 (2015): 39-67.

  • Autobiography. (Greco-Roman Antiquity and New Testament). In The Encyclopaedia of the Bible and its Reception, 131-136. Edited by H.-J. Klauck, B. McGinn, C. Seow, H. Spieckermann, B.D. Walfish, E. Ziolkowski. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2011.

  • The ‘Anti-Manichaean’ Passage in Confessions 3 and its ‘Manichaean Audience.’ Vigiliae Christianae 62 (2008): 187-200.


  • ​​Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (Berlin: Freie Universität & Humboldt Universität). 2012-2013.​


  • Coordinator: The Living Antiquity Project (2019 to the present).

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: Academic Appointments and Promotions Committee (2018-2019)

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: Transformation Committee (2018-2019)

  • Stellenbosch University: Institutional Transformation Committee (2019-2020)

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: Teaching Committee: Chair (2013-2014)