| Prof Wayne A. Babchuk is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Quantita-tive, Qualitative, and Psychometrics Program (QQPM), Department of Edu-cational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) USA. He holds a BS in Education, an MA in Anthropology, an MA in Adult and Continu-ing Education, and a PhD in Community and Human Resources. Prof Babchuk is an applied research methodologist who teaches and con-ducts research on the history, epistemology, application, and instruc-tion of qualitative research across disciplines, research ethics, grounded theory, ethnography, grounded ethnography, and mixed methods grounded theory. He is also involved in several other re-search tracks including the study of interdisciplinary collaboration, teaching applied and development anthropology, Kalahari San land use and resource rights, student and instructor perceptions of the im-pact of social media on learning, research to practice links in minority health care, and the evaluation and assessment of teaching among faculty in post-secondary institutions. Wayne serves on or chairs over 50 graduate supervisory committees specializing in training students in the design and application of qualitative research. He is co-founder and co-chair of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Qualitative and Mixed Methods Interest Group (QMM). He also serves as an Execu-tive Board Member of the Kalahari Peoples Fund of southern Africa and for the Central States Anthropological Society.
Dr. Babchuk presents the course Introduction to Qualitative Research Design and Methodology (since 2017)and has two new courses for he 2020 Summer School: Grounded Theory: Methodology, principles and practices as well as Advanced Qualitative research design and methodology
 | Dr JP Bosman is currently Director of the Centre for Learning Technologies at Stellenbosch University. He trained in the field of Theology, obtaining a Doctorate in Old Testament and then teaching at the Faculty of Theology, SU before becoming involved in academic development work in 2004-2006 as a Senior Adviser e-Learning in the Centre for Teaching and Learning. In 2006-2008 he worked in the private sector as part of a start-up educational software company, Leaf Educational Designs. In 2008 he returned to higher education and his previous position as Senior Adviser e-Learning. Dr Bosman co-presents The Digital Scholar: Using emerging and multimedia technologies to further your research and teaching projects, with Prof Wim van Petegem (since 2016) and is now co-presenting the course Teaching in the digital world: The use of blended active learning strategies with Prof Wim van Petegem, Ms Mine de Klerk, Dr Sonja Strydom and Dr Nompilo Tshuma.

| Prof Henry Braun Henry Braun is the Boisi Professor Education and Public Policy and Director of the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation and Education Policy in the Lynch School of Education & Human Development at Boston College. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematical statistics from Stanford University. After serving as an assistant professor of statistics at Princeton University, he joined the Educational Testing Service in 1979, where he served as vice-president for research management from 1990 to 1999. He held the title of distinguished presidential appointee from 1999 until his retirement in 2006 when he moved to Boston College. A fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the AERA, he is an elected member of the National Academy of Education. His interests include the analysis of large-scale assessment survey data and social policies related to educational opportunity, school and teacher accountability, higher education outcomes, and the role of testing in education policy.
Prof Braun presents the course Data management and working with Quantitative Data.
 | Prof An Carbonez is professor at the Leuven Statistics Research Centre (LStat) of the KU Leuven (Belgium). She obtained her PhD in Mathematics at the same university in 1992. She is the coordinator of the Master of Science in Statistics program of the KU Leuven. At the university, she is teaching academic courses on statistical software (R and SAS), Data and Statistical Modelling and Statistical Consulting. She is teaching short courses on Introduction to Categorical Data analysis, Linear Models, Cluster analysis and Principal Component analysis. She is also involved in statistical consulting projects and in customized statistical courses.
Prof Carbonez presents the course Essentials for "R" - an introduction.

| Dr Layla Cassim is a pharmacist who holds a PhD (Pharmacology) and MBA (cum laude). She has her own business, Layla Cassim ERS Consultants CC, which specialises in postgraduate and research development. Layla facilitates various research-related workshops, provides academic writing assistance and has developed the Postgraduate Toolkit on DVD, which assists postgraduate students across disciplines to complete their research projects. Layla believes in making research as practical, integrated and user-friendly as possible, and uses an interdisciplinary, intersectional approach that highlights real-life examples and critical thinking.
Dr Cassim co-presents Preparing for the PhD: Considerations and planning your research project (since 2015).
 | Riana Coetsee is currently the International & Early Career Research Funds Group Manager at Stellenbosch University. She obtained a Master's degree (cum laude) in French. Among other, she held the positions of Interim Regional Manager of the African Office for the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership and Executive Director for the South Africa-USA Fulbright Commission. A recipient of the Rector's Award for Professional Excellence, the United States Government Distinguished International Visitor's Award and the United Nations' award to the United Nations International Leadership Academy Programme, Riana has developed a full-day workshop for researchers on grant proposal writing which has been offered at international conferences and at various tertiary institutions across the world. She recently wrote a chapter on grant proposal writing in the book, Get Ready…Get set..Go! (SUNMedia 2017) aimed at doctoral students and supervisors.
Riana Coetsee presents the one-day course, Grant proposal writing fundamentals and has presented for the ADA since 2016. |
 | Professor Comiskey was the former Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College (2014-2017). She is also the former Director of Research and inaugural and founding Director of the Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation. She was instrumental in the establishment of the Children’s Research Network of Ireland and Northern Ireland and was the inaugural Chairperson. As the current Professor in Healthcare Modelling and Statistics she leads on quantitative research within the School and is responsible for the overall strategic development in this area. Her personal research interests are in addiction epidemiology, children and educational capacity development.
Prof Comiskey presents the courses Design and analysis of experimental data as well as the one day course Good research practice: Research ethics and beyond.
 | Professor John Creemers is the Director of the Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences at KU Leuven since 2012. As such he is responsible for the quality assurance of the doctoral research programs. He is also closely involved in the development of thematic and generic skills training. Since over 90% of doctorate holders will eventually leave academia, he has introduced several career development events to raise awareness and to stimulate the transition to the labour market. He also teaches the course Scientific Communication to Biomedical students. In this course, they learn how to write a scientific IMRAD (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results And Discussion)-based article through analysis of the different components and specific practical exercises. In addition, they learn how to give a scientific presentation with slide show. Prof Creemers co-presents the course Effective communication: Presenting a poster, writing an article, and giving an oral presentation with Vicky Davis (since 2017).
 | Ms Vicky Davis is a South African TV personality best known as former presenter of the popular South African lifestyle programme, Pasella and actress on the TV series 7delaan. Vicky obtained a BA Degree in Drama & Languages; Honours Degree in Theatre Directing and Masters Degree (cum laude) in Drama, specialising in Entertainment as Vehicle for Social Impact at Stellenbosch University. Vicky has over 20 years experience in the South African entertainment industry and is a celebrated actress, writer, director and producer for both TV and stage. She has worked extensively as senior director and producer for local prime time TV programmes like Pasella, Top Billing, Expresso Breakfast show, Doctor's Orders and Afternoon Express Talk show. As educator she is a seasoned media coach in Public Speaking & Academic and Conference presentation for post-graduate students at tertiary institutions and private corporate companies. She is a regular adjudicator for the annual SA National Youth Acting Competition. She has a keen interest in youth development and as children's author, received the ABSA Early Childhood Development Award for Best Publication in 2014. For the last four years Vicky acted as the Programme Manager for the Cape Town Music Academy (CTMA), a not for profit company creating opportunities for artists in the Western Cape.
Vicky Davis co-presents the course Effective communication: Presenting a poster, writing an article, and giving an oral presentation with Professor John Creemers. She focuses particularly on the confident public speaking aspect of the course (since 2016).
 | Prof Timothy C. Guetterman PhD, is an applied research methodologist and Associate Professor at Creighton University in Omaha, NE, USA. His research interests, scholarship, and teaching are in research methodology, namely general research design and mixed methods research. His work is highly interdisciplinary. He has authored numerous articles and chapters, including empirical studies and methodological articles to advance rigorous methods of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. In addition, he is a co-investigator on three large-scale funded research studies. Tim's empirical work uses quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research to investigate the use of technology in health professions education and in educational assessment. He also conducts research on teaching, learning, and developing research methods capacity in his role as evaluator and faculty for the NIH-funded Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences. Tim has extensive professional experience conducting program evaluation with a focus on educational and healthcare programs.
He recently co-authored with John W. Creswell Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (6th ed). He is also recently affiliated with Stellenbosch University as Associate Professor Extraordinary in Family Medicine and Primary Care, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine.
Prof Guetterman presents the courses Introdction to Quantitative research design and methodology, the new one day course MAXQDA Software for Qualitative and Mixed Methods analysis as well as Mixed Methods research design.
 | Dr Nicoline Herman is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Stellenbosch University (SU) where she is involved in the professional learning of academics for their teaching. Her research interests and publications centre on academic professional learning and aspects relating to teaching and learning in higher education as well as leadership in higher education. She is involved in the MPhil in Higher Education at SU and the PGDip in HE (T&L) and CHEC short courses in the Western Cape region. Nicoline is the facilitator of a monthly PhD discussion group for support staff at SU undertaking PhD studies with an educational research focus. She has presented her own research at national and international conferences and regularly reviews for national and international journals in the fields of higher education and professional learning.
 | Dr Sebastian Kernbach is a senior lecturer, project manager and researcher at the University of St. Gallen, a visiting scholar at Stanford University and Guest Professor at the Central University of Beijing. He is the founder of the Visual Collaboration Lab (www.vicola.org) and the Life Design Lab in Switzerland (www.lifedesignlab.ch). He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy in Communication Science in which he focused on Visual Collaborative Knowledge Work in knowledge-intense collaboration in Professional Services Firms and Design Thinking. His activities in research, teaching and consulting focus on the role of visual thinking and design thinking to support individuals, teams and organizations in their thinking and communication efforts, in particular knowledge workers, such as researchers, lecturers, consultants, coaches, etc. His seminars and lecturers at Bachelor, Master, MBA, PhD, and Executive level are highly interactive and set doing and action at the core of participants' learning experience. His own work experience ranges from large organizations such as Xerox, to a small start-up in Zurich, to the world's largest brand consultancy, Interbrand. Next to the University of St. Gallen, he is currently engaged with an organization called “The School of Life" and with the International Symposium on Knowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking. Dr Kernbach presents the course The Productive PhD - Creating structure, gaining clarity and overcoming blocks (Since 2017) and is now presenting the new course Design your academic future at the 2020 Summer School.

| Dr Cindy Steenekamp is a Senior Lecturer in the Political Science Department and Research Associate in the Centre for International and Comparative Politics at Stellenbosch University.
Her research focuses primarily on the World Values Survey and several elite surveys conducted around the world and include research interests such as comparative international politics, political behaviour, political culture, and democratisation. Dr Steenekamp specialises in research design and methodology, with a focus on quantitative research. She is the co-author of a book, several journal articles, research reports and occasional papers and has presented at a number of national and international conferences. She is also the member of various international research projects, including Global democracy: Political institutions and cultural contexts (as a member of the Transformation Research Unit, SU) and has extensive research networks on the African continent (PANGeA).
Dr Steenekamp as has been teaching SPSS at the ADA since 2011.

| Prof Leslie Swartz obtained his PhD at University of Cape Town in 1990 and is a
distinguished professor of psychology at Stellenbosch University. His interests
span the fields of mental health and disability studies, and he was central in
establishing the Alan Flisher Centre for Public Mental Health in collaboration
with University of Cape Town. He has many years of experience as an editor of
academic journals: he was founding editor in chief of the African Journal of
Disability, which he led to being indexed on PubMed and SCOPUS, and is
Associate Editor of Transcultural Psychiatry and of International Journal of
Disability, Development and Education.
He has authored or co-authored over 350 academic outputs, including
books and articles in high impact academic journals. He is an experienced facilitator and trainer
in academic publishing skills, and has run successful training workshops in
South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ghana.
Prof Swartz presents the one day course Fundamentals of publishing.
 | Dr Christel Troskie-de Bruin specialises in postgraduate education and scientific writing and currently facilitates capacity building workshops for staff and postgraduate students at various South Afri-can universities. She is an independent research and development consultant with ASEV - a SAQA accredited service provider of re-search related short courses and a research associate at the Centre for Higher and Adult Education at Stellenbosch University. Dr Tros-kie-de Bruin has an Industrial Psychology background but obtained her Master's and her Doctoral degrees in Education from Stellen-bosch University. She is registered with the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP). Dr Troskie-de Bruin has over 18 years' experience of research in higher education and over 25 years' of facilitating training and de-velopment workshops. Christel lectured in research methodology at various institutions across Africa, including but not limited to Stel-lenbosch University, Stellenbosch University's Graduate School of Business, UNISA School of Business Leadership and the University of the Free State's Department of Psychology. She has supervised Mas-ter's and Doctoral students and is external examiner of theses and dissertations.
Dr Troskie-de Bruin co-presents Article writing during the course of the doctorate with Dr Ruth Albertyn (since 2016).
 | Prof Wim Van Petegem holds an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ghent (Belgium) and one in Biomedical Engineering from the KU Leuven (Belgium). He got his PhD in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven in 1993. His current research interests are in the field of multimedia production, new educational technology, networked e-learning, virtual mobility, lifelong learning, open and distance learning, knowledge transfer, innovative entrepreneurship and science communication. He and his team are involved as contractor, partner, coordinator, expert, or evaluator in many implementation and development projects mostly financed by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture). He is also heavily engaged in development cooperation with the South, and volunteer board member of several non-profit organizations.
Prof Van Petegem presents The Digital Scholar: Using emerging and multimedia technologies to further your research and teaching projects (since 2016) and is now co-presenting the course Teaching in the digital world: The use of blended active learning strategies with Dr JP Bosman, Ms Mine de Klerk, Dr Sonja Strydom and Dr Nompilo Tshuma.
 | Dr Wildschut is currently the Academic Coordinator of the Monitoring and Evaluation Programme at CREST, Stellenbosch University where she is responsible for the Post Graduate Diploma, Masters and PhD in Evaluation Studies.
She is also the Deputy Director of the Evaluation Research Agency (ERA) which has conducted evaluation studies in several African countries since 2000 in the fields of Education, Higher Education and Health. Furthermore, she is the Director of the African Institute for ATLAS.ti (AIA) which aims to build a cadre of qualitative researchers across Africa who produce rigorous research utilising ATLAS.ti. She currently the Chairperson of the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA) and the South African representative for the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE).
Dr Wildschut has been involved with the ADA since 2010 and presents the course Introduction to qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti.