Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Extraordinary meeting: SU Convocation
Start: 01/06/2023, 18:00
End: 01/06/2023, 22:00 / -
Location: Bloemhof Girls High School OR Online

​​​Members of the Stellenbosch University (SU) Convocation are invited to attend an extraordinary meeting on Thursday 1 June 2023 in person or virtually. 

In terms of clause 47(1) of the SU Statute (2019) the Convocation is composed of (a) all persons on whom a qualification has been conferred at a congregation of the University; (b) the rector, the vice-rectors, chief operating officer and the full-time academic staff of the University; and (c) former full-time academic staff of the University who have left the service of the University on account of their having reached retirement age.

The meeting is an extraordinary meeting that is provided for in terms of clause 50(3) of the SU Statute (2019). In compliance with clause 50(4) of the SU Statute (2019) and the Institutional Rules: Convocation, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss two motions that were received from members of the Convocation dated 2 May 2023 and 16 May 2023, respectively. For the full motions, please click on the date of the motion.

Please join us either in person or online for this extraordinary meeting.

When:  Thursday 1 June 2023
Time:  19:00 SAST 
Where: Bloemhof Girls High School, Koch Rd, Krigeville, Stellenbosch, OR connect Online

To register for the meeting, please send an email to by Tuesday 30 May 2023.


  • The closing date for all registrations is Tuesday 30 May 2023. We will unfortunately not be able to accommodate late registrations for online attendance due to technical and administrative requirements to set up the platform for online voting to proceed.
  • Those attending online will have a unique access link to the meeting which will be sent to you via e-mail utilising the registered address on our institutional database. Please ensure that you timeously update your contact information should you wish to amend your details. You can send an e-mail to to update your details.  You will be able to vote online until 19:00 SAST on Friday 2 June 2023.
  • For those attending in person, please be seated in the venue by 18:30 SAST and arrive early to complete the registration process for in person attendance. Please ensure that you bring along a valid form of identity document as there will be voting on the motions.

Whether you are in South Africa, or elsewhere on the continent, or abroad in Asia, Europe, North or South America, or Oceania, the upcoming SU Convocation meeting is for all members! Your alma mater values your input and we would like to encourage broad global participation.