Department of Drama
The Department offers a unique set of professional and academic programmes aimed at postgraduate training in Drama and Theatre Studies. Our programmes may contain both practical and theoretical components and tuition is in Afrikaans and/or English. Content is specifically geared to suit the interests and needs of individual students. A range of specialisations are offered.
The master's and doctoral programmes are also accessible to individuals with a theoretical knowledge of drama or media, for instance by means of a prior degree in literature or communication studies, or related qualifications.
The Honours (taught) programme takes one year to complete and consists of both theoretical and practical components. The coursework modules are:
- methodology of theatre research;
- advanced theories of theatre and drama;
- advanced text analysis (contemporary international texts); and
- advanced theatre research assignment.
Practical specialisations can be chosen from the following:
Drama and theatre research: Theory, methodology and practice.
Playwriting: Text creation, compiling programmes and writing plays.
Media practice: Theory and practice of radio, television and video.
Interactive theatre: Theory and practice of drama and theatre in education, community theatre and industrial theatre, among others.
Directing: Directing and choreography for the stage.
Performance skills: Acting for the stage, speech and voice, musical theatre, puppetry, physical theatre and cabaret.
Technical and management skills: Applied theatre practice, set and costume design, and theatre and production management, among others.
Two options are offered on the master's level:
The first option is a thesis counting 50% of the final mark where the candidate has a practical component linked to the research thesis. The practical component can be a continuation of the specialisation of the honours level.
The second option is a research thesis that makes up 100% of the final mark.
For both options a research proposal is required before registration.
PhD is a two-year, full-time or part-time academic programme based on independent research, leading to a dissertation. This programme can also be taken as a non-residential programme. Practical work can be incorporated in the PhD but the praxis is not required for degree purposes and is only allowed as part of the research for the thesis.
Postgraduate qualifications