Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Assurance
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Planning for an evaluation

The meticulous planning for an evaluation should not be underestimated. Here are some resources to help you plan your evaluation from start to finish.

​​Appointing a self-evaluation committee

Budgeting for an evaluation​

​Appointing Peer Reviewers

The Self-Evaluation Report (SER)

  • Themes and criteria for departmental evaluations
  • ​​Themes and criteria for support unit evaluations
 ​Evidence Portfolio

Our self-evaluation reports (SER) must be evidence-based. This means that the quality claims made in our self-evaluation reports must be substantiated and supported by evidence. The evidence portfolio fulfills this role.  ​
The evidence portfolio can include stakeholder feedback (e.g., student feedback on modules and programmes) and institutional data. 

​​​The core statistics reports form part of the evidence portfolio.  The core statistics reports include the  
following institutional information:​

    1. Permanent and fixed-term appointments by C-category 
    2. Post-level utilization of C1 permanently employed staff
    3. Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff​
    4. Weighted research output per FTE C1-staff member
    5. Full-time equivalent (FTE) students per Full-time equivalent (FTE) instruction/research staff member
    6. Total number of undergraduate module enrolments
    7. Full-time equivalent (FTE) student enrolments
    8. Undergraduate module results
    9. Student Success
    10. Number of postgraduate qualifications awarded
    11. ​​Number of years enrolled for postgraduate qualifications

      ​​Core statistics report: Definitions of terms
​The​ Two-year Follow-up Report

After a self- and peer evaluation, key improvement actions are identified and reported by the Quality Committee to the Executive Committee of Senate. Two years after an evaluation, environments report on their progress towards improvement. This report is called the two-year follow-up report. 

​Quality Committee Dates

We usually schedule four (4) Quality Committee Meetings per year. Two meetings are scheduled per semester. These dates are published in the University's Almanac.

Quality Committee dates are as follows:

​​​Quality Committee Dates

Agenda Close  Date​
Quality Committee Meeting Date
1 March25 March, 12:30  16:30
29 April​
23 May, 09:00 – 13:00​
15 August
5 September, 09:00  13:00
18 September 
10 October, 9:00  13:00

Reports that serve at our Quality Committee Meetings:​​

​​Peer Review Reports
​These reports are written by the peer reviewers after a site visit.

Response Reports
These reports serve as the departments' or units’ response to the peer reviewers’ report. The department's or unit’s improvement actions are also listed in this report.

Dean’s or Responsibility Head’s Response
These reports serve as the Dean’s or Responsibility Head’s response to the peer reviewers’ report.

Two-year Follow-up Reports
In these reports departments and units report on the progress of their improvement actions since their evaluation.