Curriculum documents:
For support in the different aspects of designing or amending a module, please find support material available via hyperlinks below. Additional resources (written and video) are available at the bottom of the page.
- Subject and module name and number
- CESM category
- Rules of combination
- Core or elective
- Mode provision
- Module Linkage
- Module description
- Expected learning outcomes (for module)
- Associated assessment criteria (for module)
- Learning and teaching approach of module
- Use of learning technologies
- Learning support outside the classroom
- Professional body requirements
- Percentage or hours
- Purpose of workplace-based learning (for module)
- Venue requirements
- Asynchronous activities
- Synchronous online
- Campus-based activities
- Student access
- Development of online learning material
- Assessment strategy (for module)
- Assessment plan (for module)
- Full contact timetable
- Hybrid timetable
- Research supervision
Other support material
Overview of the Modes of Provision at SU
When to submit a module specification (Form B)?
Assessment Terminology