Professor: Environmental Management/ Programme Head
Prof Martin De Wit
Tel: 021 808 4273 Fax: 021 808 2085
Administrator: MPhil & PhD in Environmental Management
Ms Jennifer Saunders
jjs3@sun.ac.za Tel: 021 918 2151 Fax: 021 808 2085 |
The Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management (PGDip Environmental Management) is a one year – full-time programme and is equivalent to a honours–level degree programme at 120 credits. The programme comprises of eight (8) modules (6 core and 2 electives) and is presented during the scheduled contact sessions at Stellenbosch University on a modular basis. Attendance is compulsory.
Admission Requirements
Candidates may submit applications to enter this taught Post Grad Diploma in Environmental Management if they are in possession of one of the following qualifications:
- A Bachelor's degree with a 60% pass mark in one of the following main subjects: Geography and Environmental Studies, Sociology, Economics, Public and Development Management, Geology, Botany, Zoology, Agricultural Economics, Transport Economics and Logistics, Forestry, Nature Conservation, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Surveying or any other equivalent field. Relevant work experience may be considered on application; OR
- A BTech degree in Town and Regional Planning or similar relevant subject fields; OR
- A four-year Bachelor's degree in Town and Regional Planning
It is expected of students to be computer literate.
Methods of Tuition
During the block sessions an interactive teaching method will be used that will consist of formal lecturing, facilitated discussion learning, case method learning and various kinds of structured group work. The main aim of this teaching approach is to ensure that members of the group learn from each other and establish strong working relationships. The facilitated discussion learning and case learning is designed to ensure that participants complement reading and listening with experiential learning that builds the capacity for sound judgement and practical wisdom. Between block sessions, course participants who return to their places of work will need to work largely on their own and connected to others via email where this is practically possible. It should be assumed that approximately 100 hours of self-managed work time will be needed between blocks for reading and writing up of assignments.
Follow this link to generate a provisional statement for tuition fees:
Depending whether you are an international of SA student
Information you will need is as follows:
- Faculty of Economic Management Sciences
- Degree course is PGD Environmental Management with the School of Public Leadership
- First Registration
- Year you will study
- Anchor Module is Environmental Management (55255 778)
- Select only 8 modules
*This will generate a provisional statement.
Fees for 2021 are ±R48 000 (but please complete the quotation below) for the 1st year of registration. Please note that the fees for 2021 will only be confirmed in October 2020. There is an additional cost for notes and excursions (approximately R2 500 per year).
For more information on Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management, please click here to access the prospectus.
For further information on fees, bursaries, accommodation or curriculum please contact Ms. Jennifer Saunders at Tel +27 (0)21 8082151 or email jjs3@sun.ac.za.