Applied Psychological and Performance Assessment and Professional Ethics (12) [771] Theory-driven assessment, clinical versus actuarial decision-rules, psychometric assessment proposals and reports, assessment of intellectual ability, personality, learning potential, aptitude, interest, leadership, conceptualisation of work performance, criterion measurement, behaviourally anchored rating scales, behavioural observation scales, mixed standard rating scales, assessment centres, in-baskets. APA ethical principles for psychologists, general ethical standards, evaluation, assessment and interventions, advertising and public statements, therapy, privacy and confidentiality, research, forensic work, solving ethical dilemmas, record keeping. Employment Relations and Labour Legislation (12) [772] Framework of employment relations in South Africa; employment relations perspectives; trade unions; role of employer; labour legislation: Labour Relations Act; Basic Conditions of Employment Act; Employment Equity Act. Honours Research Work (Industrial Psychology) (30) [773] Honours Research Project: The research project incorporates all the steps in the research process. The topic is chosen in collaboration with the study leader, followed by a comprehensive literature review and choice and design of applicable methodology. Occupational and Career Psychology (12) [774] Differential psychology as substructure for Industrial Psychology, the psychological contract between employer and employee, psychological optimisation, career management (self and career exploration, career goals and strategies), career development, occupational choice, organisational entry, early, middle and late career issues, integration of work and family (including dual career families), stress and coping in the world of work, crisis: theory and intervention. Organisational Psychology: Contemporary Challenges (12) [775] Global trends and Challenges; Motivation in Organisations: Integrated theories; Organisational justice; Organisational citizenship behaviour; Organisational trust; Organisational Leadership: Integrated theories; Organisational culture and Diversity Management; Job design; Organisational design and structure; Groups; Teams; Team diagnostics; Technology and Innovation; Organisation development and change Psychometrics: Measurement Theory, Test Construction and Decision-making (12) [776] Legal provisions with regards to psychological assessment in South Africa, professional registration framework, clinical versus actuarial approaches to personnel selection, competencies, competency models, learning potential, development and validation of selection procedures, validation designs, selection designs, Employment Equity Act, Act on the Promotion of Equality and the Prevention of Unfair Discrimination, psychometric audits, construct referenced and criterion referenced norms, reliability, validity, expectancy tables, fairness, utility, test construction, item analysis. Research Methodology (12) [776] Objectives of Industrial Psychology, science and scientific research, meta-theoretical views of science, research initiating questions, theorising, structural models, research problems and research hypotheses, conceptualisation, operationalisation, indices and scales, exogenous and endogenous measurement models, research designs, sampling, statistical power, exploratory research studies, explanatory research studies, descriptive research studies, evaluation research studies, research proposals and research reports. Planning of master's research proposal. Strategic Human Resource Management I (12) [785] The role of the Human Resource Management in function in obtaining a competitive advantage, the environmental/context within which human resource management is being practised, strategic human resource management, human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection and placement, assessment and performance management. Strategic Human Resource Management II (6) [786] Human resource remuneration, human resource benefits, job evaluation, performance management, human resource management effectiveness measurement. |
MCOMM PROGRAMME STRUCTURE: | | Modules | Module code | Credits | Semester | Counselling Skills for the Workplace | 12945-872 | 6 | Both | Intermediate Statistics and Computer Usage | 10550-873 | 12 | Both | Psychological Assessment in Practice | 14027-876 | 12 | Both | Occupational Health and Well-being | 10404-874 | 10 | Both | Organisational Development and Change | 12992-875 | 10 | Both | Performance Dysfunction in the Workplace | 10667-876 | 10 | Both | Personality in the Workplace | 10648-886 | 10 | Both | Professional Consultation and Ethics | 12946-881 | 10 | Both | Strategic and Ethical Leadership | 10711-882 | 10 | Both | Thesis: Industrial Psychology (Industrial Psychology) | 11234-871 | 90 | Both | Total Credit MComm Industrial Psychology | | 180 | |
| | | COURSE CONTENTS: | | Counselling Skills for the Workplace (6) [872] Theoretical perspectives on applicable counselling models for use in dealing with psychological obstacles that have an impact on performance in the workplace and the practical application of the applicable skills. Intermediate Statistics and Computer Usage (12) [873] Introduction to data analysis via SPSS, cleaning of data, overview of descriptive statistics, correlation- and regression analysis, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis via SEM using LISREL, fitting of structural models via SEM using LISREL, introduction to measurement invariance studies. Psychological Assessment in Practice (12) [876] A comprehensive overview of psychological assessment in practice including the most important definitional issues, and general description of tools of assessment, also understanding some facets of the science of psychological measurement; understanding testing and assessment in practice as well as practical applications of assessments in different scenario's. Occupational Health and Well-being (10) [874] Individual differences in health and well-being in organisations, improving worker health through interventions, designing healthy work, group/team and normative influences on health and well-being, antisocial work behaviour and organisational health, employee assistance programmes (eap: design, implementation, evaluation), workplace health promotion, integration and future directions, the management of HIV/AIDS in the workplace. Organisational Development and Change(10) [875] Theories of Organisational Development (OD); Leading and Managing Change; Role, competencies and professional ethics of OD Consultants; OD Consulting: Entering, Contracting, Diagnosing, Feedback and Action Plans; Individual, Interpersonal and Group Process Interventions; Organisation Process Interventions; Work Design Interventions; Workforce Diversity Interventions; Strategic Change Interventions; OD Case Studies; Practical OD Project. Performance Dysfunction in the Workplace (10) [876] Why people fail in their jobs, a systematic performance analysis approach to the solution of ineffective performance, the development of a taxonomy of work-related dysfunction (disturbances in the capacity to work [patterns of undercommitment, patterns of overcommitment, work-related anxiety and depression, personality dysfunctions and work, life role conflicts, transient situational stress, other psychologically relevant work difficulties], dysfunctional working conditions), diagnosis of work-related dysfunctions, broad areas of work dysfunction (workaholism, stress, burnout, underachievement and fear of success and failure, performance anxiety and work-related depression, problems with authority in the workplace, work-family conflict, white collar crime), performance dysfunction counselling. Personality in the Workplace (10) [886] The structure of personality, personality paradigms (psychoanalytic, socio-cultural, trait, learning, socio-biological, existential-humanistic), integrating models of personality, role of personality in job performance and teamwork, personality in person organisation fit research, emerging trends and needs in personality research and practice. Professional Consultation and Ethics (10) [881] The consulting process: initiating a consultancy; elements associated with initiating a consultancy, introducing and marketing of a consultancy; organisational entry: importance of organisational entry, elements associated with entry; assessment and feedback; action planning; interventions; evaluation; adoption of interventions by organisation; ending the consulting relationship. The consultant (roles and styles): types of consultants, determining the readiness of organisation for consultation; impact and resistance, dealing with resistance, the intervention process, the first intervention, assessment of perceptions, creating a climate for consulting and change, formalising the consulting relationship, problems associated with the client-consultant relationship. The consultant (diagnostic processes): the diagnostic process, diagnostic models, data collection, problems associated with organisational diagnoses. Strategic and Ethical Leadership (10) [882] Role of strategic leadership in organisational effectiveness, leader effectiveness, critical analysis of trait, behavioural and contingency theories, charismatic leadership, ethical leadership, leader values, transformational leadership, multicultural leadership, organisational power and influencing processes, leadership in teams and self-managed groups, measurement of leadership, development of leadership skills, integrating leadership models, current leadership issues in South Africa, research problems, case studies and project work in South African organisations. THESIS (90) [871] A study leader will be appointed during the selection process .
Registered Master’s
students in the department with a research component applicable to
their qualification, you will need to obtain ethical clearance before research may commence. The details of this process will be communicated to all
registered students at the applicable time and with the necessary support from
their supervisor.
| | CONTACT DETAILS: | | General: | | Mrs CM Cillie Tel: 021-808-3005 Email: | | Address: | | Department of Industrial Psychology Private Bag X1 Matieland 7602 | | |
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