Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Advanced Certificate in Ministerial Renewal

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All pastors from established denominations are invited to enrol for the New Advanced Certificate in Ministerial Renewal. It is a three year programme consisting of nine three-day-modules.  We do three module every year. 

It covers all the important aspects of ministry and the idea is to bring students up to date with recent developments in the different fields. One of the powerful advantages is that we work ecumenically and usually have pastors / students from very diverse backgrounds – an ideal situation for deep learning.

The full programme of the module over nine months

Year One

Module 1        About our context- a deeper understanding of the world and the times we live in.

Module 2        About Congregations- part of the problem or part of the answer?

Module 3        About God-the Truine God of the Bible, Missio Dei and the plot of the Gospel.

Year Two

Module 4         About our pastoral identity- who are we and where do we fit in?

Module 5         About ministry and Spiritual Leadership- the core of pastoral work.

Module 6         About Ministry and Spiritual Formation- how people are shaped (formed) for discipleship and service.

Year Three

Module 7         About Misonal Churches- hopeful and ergetic for our calling.

Module 8         About the Worship and Preaching- how we believe, tell and celebrate the story of the gospel.

Module 9         About Community - to strenghten koinonia and service in our congregations.