Small magnetic gear.
|  15 kW PM Vernier wind generator: Stator (left), PM rotor (middle top), testing (middle bottom) and generator under current control (right).

Brushless double-fed induction generator: Stator (left), looped cage rotor (middle), and close-look of rotor end ring loops (right).
  DC-VRM as wind generator and synchronous condenser. Direct drive PM wind generator with non-overlapping stator coils (right).
Mariendahl wind generator test site up to 50 kW: Two towers with 400 V, 3-phase grid connection
| Two-blade (pitch controlled) slip-synchronous wind generator system.

PM slip couplers: Eddy current (left) and iron-cored (right)

Reluctance synchronous machine drive with SEW inverters and Pentium control system (left), reluctance synchronous machine stator (middle), and flux barrier rotor (right).

110 kW reluctance synchronous traction motor (left). 110 kW traction rotors: reluctance (middle) and IPM rotor with inserted bonded magnets (right).