Dr Nkosinathi Gule Publications
Journal publications
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, and M.J. Kamper, Coupled circuit analysis of the brushless doubly fed machine using the winding function theory, IET Electric Power Applications, vol.14(9),pp. 1558-1569, 2020
- M.W.K. Mbukani, N. Gule, Evaluation of an STSMO-based estimator for power control of rotor-tied DFIG systems, IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 13, Issue 11, pg: 1871- 1882, 2019
- M.W.K., Mbukani, N. Gule, Comparison of High-order and Second-order Sliding Mode Observer Based Estimators for Speed Sensorless Control of Rotor-tied DFIG Systems. IET Power Electronics, vol.12, issue 12, pg: 3231-3241, 2019.
- M. W. K. Mbukani and N. Gule, PLL-Based Sliding Mode Observer Estimators for Sensorless Control of Rotor-Tied DFIG Systems, in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 5960-5970, 2019.
- N.L. Zietsman, N. Gule, Evaluation of a single-phase 50-Hz axial rotary transformer for DFIG Systems, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2018, vol:13, iss:2, pg: 311 -321.
- N. Gule, M.J. Kamper, Multi-Phase Cage Rotor Induction Machine Drive with Direct Implementation of Brush DC Operation, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2012, 48(6), 2014-2021.
International Conference Papers
- M.W.K Mbukani, N. Gule, Implementation of an SMO-based MRAS Estimator for Sensor-less Control of RDFIG Systems. 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2020) , Gothenburg, Sweden, IEEE 2020: 1143-1145.
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, Design and optimization of a Cage+Nested loops rotor BDFM. 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Gothenburg, Sweden, IEEE 2020: 1-7.
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, Prioritizing power factor in power density assessments of doubly fed induction generator alternatives. 2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, IEEE 2020: 48-52.
- N. Gule, S. Botha, Design of a Contact-less Energy Transfer System for Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines. 2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, IEEE 2020: 460-465.
- A.M. Sibanda, N. Gule, Modelling of a Grid Connected Nine-Phase Induction Generator. 2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, IEEE 2020: 808-813.
- T. Hutton, N. Gule, Simplified Vector Control of a Nested-Loop Rotor Brush-less Doubly Fed Induction Motor. 2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Sorrento, Italy, IEEE 2020: 53-58.
- M.W.K Mbukani, N. Gule, Performance Analysis of a PLL-Based Sensor-Less Control of Rotor-Tied DFIG Systems, 2018 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED), Helsinki, Finland: 48-53
- M.W.K Mbukani, N. Gule, Experimental Implementation of The Stator-Side Control of a Grid-Connected Rotor-Tied DFIG-Based WECS, 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Amalfi, Italy: 895-900
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, Performance investigation of DFIG topologies with different design paramaters. In: IEEE Africon 2017 Proceedings, Cape Town, South Africa, IEEE 2017: 1285-1290.
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, The optimal design and autonomous testing of a rotor-tied DFIG. In: IEEE Africon 2017 Proceedings, Cape Town, South Africa, IEEE 2017: 1426-1431.
- N.L. Zietsman, N. Gule, Optimal design methodology of a three phase rotary transformer for doubly fed induction generator application. The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC2015), Idaho, USA.
- L. Gunda, N. Gule, Brush-DC equivalent control based delta modulation for a PWM inverter-fed nine phase induction machine drive. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2015), Spain
- N. Gule, M.J. Kamper, Analysis of Brush DC Equivalent Controlled Multiphase Cage Rotor Induction Machines, 4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (Turkey), 2013.
- N. Gule, M.J. Kamper, The BDCE Equivalent Control Method for Multiphase Induction Machine, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (South Africa), 2013.
- N. Gule, M. J. Kamper, Evaluation of Rotor Bar and End Ring Current Waveform of Brush DC Equivalent Controlled Multiphase Cage Rotor Induction Machine, Proceedings - 2012 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2012, 2012,946-952.
- N. Gule, M.J. Kamper, Multi-phase Cage Rotor Induction Machine Drive with Direct Implementation of Brush DC Operation, International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC 2011) at Niagara Falls, 15 –18 May 2011.
- N. Gule, M.J. Kamper, Optimal Ratio of Field to Torque Phases in Multi-Phase Induction Machines Using Special Phase Current Waveforms, Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM2008), 6-9 September, 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal.
- N. Gule and E. O. Bejide, "Performance of a Turbo Coded LEO DS-CDMA System in Uncorrelated and Correlated KA-Band Channels," Australian Telecommunications, Networks and Application Conference (ATNAC), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3-6 December 2006.
Local Conference Papers
- M.W.K Mbukani, N. Gule, Analysis and control of a grid-connected three-phase PWM voltage source converter based on LCL filter. Proceedings of the 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference SAUPEC 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, SAIEE 2017: 853-858.
- M.W.K Mbukani, N. Gule, Investigation of the stator voltage-oriented vector control of the rotor side converter in DFIG systems. Proceedings of the 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference SAUPEC 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa, SAIEE 2017: 108-113.
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, Design methodology for rotor-tied double fed induction generators. Proceedings of the 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference SAUPEC 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, SAIEE 2017: 589-594.
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N. Gule, . The steady state operation of a rotor-tied doubly fed induction generator. Proceedings of the 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference SAUPEC 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, SAIEE 2017: 595-600.
- O.I. Olubamiwa, N.L. Zietsman, N. Gule, Comparison of Operating Modes for the Rotor- tied Double Fed Induction Generator. Proceedings of Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), University of Johannesburg, 27 January 2016
- L. Gunda, N. Gule, Experimental evaluation of delta modulation for PWM nine phase inverter with a trapezoidal reference current waveform. Proceedings of Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), University of Johannesburg, 29 January 2015
- M. Dlamini, N. Gule, Impact of PV generators on power system voltage regulation for distribution networks with very long branch networks. Proceedings of Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), University of Johannesburg, 29 January 2015
- N.L. Zietsman, N. Gule, Design and evaluation of a 1 kw rotary Transformer. Proceedings of Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), University of KwaZulu-Natal and Durban University of Technology, 30 - 31 January 2014.
- L. Gunda, N Gule, Simulation of delta modulated PWM-fed BDCE controlled nine phase induction machine drive. Proceedings of Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), University of KwaZulu-Natal and Durban University of Technology, 30 - 31 January 2014.
- J. Du Plooy, N.Gule, Performance comparison for motoring and generating modes of a reluctance synchronous machine. Proceedings of Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC), University of KwaZulu-Natal and Durban University of Technology, 30 - 31 January 2014.