Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Faculty of Education

Undergraduate Programmes​​


Our Faculty offers​ two undergraduate programmes:

​Any of the two undergraduate programmes gives you access to the postgraduate BEd H​onours programmes​​. ​​​

Language of instr​uct​ion

The Faculty of Education follows an approach of multilingualism with English and Afrikaans as the most important languages of instruction. IsiXhosa is used as a communication language. To ensure that students have access to knowledge in the language of their choice, we make use of translation services.​

BEd (Foundation Ph​ase Education)

The main purpose of this programme is to train teachers for the Foundation Phase (grades R to 3) who will be able to prepare learners to meet the distinctive requirements of our time. But you also develop skills that will open up various other career possibilities, such as a career in communication, community development, public relations or other professional work focusing on client services, marketing and sales.

You may continue your studies in Foundation Phase Education by taking BEdHons (Foundation Phase Education) after which you may specialise in curriculum development, school management or education policy (MEd).

Or, with further training, you can become a remedial teacher (BEdHons and MEd in Educational Support) or an educational psychologist (MEd (Psych)), or you can specialise in curriculum development, school management, or education policy.

Programme​​ content

The programme takes four years to complete and Practical Learning forms an important part of the programme from the first year on. All students take two languages (chosen from Afrikaans, English or isiXhosa) on either a first or second language level throughout their four years of study. A third additional communicative language will also be taken during the third year of study.

The subjects for the Foundation Phase are set and cover the theory and practice of all the learning programmes of Grades R to 3, including:

  • Information Communication Technologies for Learning (ICT)
  • Development and Learning
  • Life Skills
  • Addressing Diverse Learning Needs
  • Grade R Theory and Practice
  • Language Education
  • Mathematics Education (Foundation Phase)

​Since this is a programme that culminates in a degree, it gives you access to the Faculty's postgraduate programmes up to doctoral level.


Admission r​equirements 

  • An aggregate of at least 60% for the NSC or IEB or an equivalent school-leaving certificate ​(excluding Life Orientation)

  • Mathematics 40% OR Mathematical Literacy 60%


Learners who were taught through the medium of English:​

  • English Home Language 60% AND
  • Afrikaans OR isiXhosa (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%


Learners who were taught through the medium of Afrikaans:

  • Afrikaans Home Language 60% AND
  • English OR isiXhosa (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50% 


Learners who were taught through the medium of isiXhosa:

  • IsiXhosa Home Language 60% AND
  • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%​

Admi​ssion requirements for applicants presenting the old Matriculation Certificate

For the admission requirements relating to the old Matriculation Certificate (prior to 2008), contact our Client Services Centre at 021 808 9111.

Programme coordinator 2025:

Dr Zelda Barends


BEd (I​​ntermediate Phase Education)

During this full-time BEd programme, which runs over four years, you are trained to be a teacher of learners in the Intermediate Phase with the competence to teach two intermediate school subjects and two languages. The programme covers the theory and practice of all the learning programmes from Grade 4 to 7.

You may specialise in curriculum development, school management or education policy by taking BEdHons and MEd in one of these fields of study. Or, with further training, you can become a remedial teacher (BEdHons and MEd in Educational Support) or an educational psychologist (MEd (Psych)), or you can specialise in curriculum development, school management, or education policy.

Programme conte​nt

The programme has a set structure that consists of academic and professional subjects. Practical Learning forms an important part of the programme from the first year on. All students have to take two languages (chosen from Afrikaans, English or isiXhosa) on either a first or second language level throughout their four years of study. A third additional communicative language will also be taken during the third year of study.

In the first year of study, Mathematics Education is compulsory for all BEd students. You will therefore take Mathematics (Ed) and two other subject specialisations from the following ones:

  • Life Skills
  • Natural Sciences (Ed)
  • Social Sciences (Ed)

See the prerequisite requirements for these subjects further on. 

In the second to fourth years of study, however, you will follow only two areas of specialisation. Please take note: To continue with Mathematics as a subject specialisation from your second year, you have to pass Mathematics (Ed) 177 with a final mark of at least 60% in your first year.

Other compulsory modules include:

  • Information Communication Technologies for Learning (ICT)
  • Language Education and Academic Literacy, Development and Learning
  • Addressing Diverse Learning needs
  • Education Policy and Leadership
  • Education Evaluation and Research

For more information about the content of the programme, see our Calendar.

Since this is a programme that culminates in a degree, it gives you access to the Faculty's postgraduate degree programmes up to doctoral level. See our postgraduate programmes.

Prerequisite​ requirements for your chosen subject specialisations

Natural Sciences (Ed)

  • A minimum achievement of 50% for either Life Sciences OR Physical Sciences in Grade 12

Social Sciences (Ed)

  • A minimum achievement of 50% for either History OR Geography in Grade 12

Life Skills

  • No prerequisite requirements apply (i.e. all students may follow this module / subject).


  • Applications close on 30 July
  • There are places for 125  Intermediate Phase students

Admission requi​​rements 

  • An aggregate of at least 60% for the NSC or IEB or an equivalent school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 40% OR Mathematical Literacy 60%


Learners who were taught through the medium of English:

  • English Home Language 60% AND
  • Afrikaans OR isiXhosa (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%


Learners who were taught through the medium of Afrikaans:

  • Afrikaans Home Language 60% AND
  • English OR isiXhosa (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%


Learners who were taught through the medium of isiXhosa:

  • IsiXhosa Home Language 60% AND
  • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%​

The BEd (Intermediate Phase Education) has further admission requirements depending on the school subjects that you wish to teach:

If you choose Natural Sciences (ed):

  • Life Sciences or Physical Sciences 50%

If you choose Social Sciences (ed):

  • ​History or Geography 50%

Admission requir​ements for applicants presenting the old Matriculation Certificate

For the admission requirements relating to the old Matriculation Certificate (prior to 2008), contact our Client Services Centre at 021 808 9111.​​

Programme coordinator 2025:

Dr Elzahn Rinquest


Programme Information


