Welcome to Stellenbosch University
This is how Stellenbosch University saves water

​In Stellenbosch, the use of potable water - distributed by the Stellenbosch Municipality – is currently limited to category 2 water restrictions. This restricts the irrigation of gardens and sport fields to certain days and hours in the week.

However, Stellenbosch University also makes use of other water sources, such as the Lower Eerste River scheme and other local storage dams for the irrigation of landscaping, sports fields and research sites on campus. A registered quota exists for the use of water from these sources.

Irrigation is managed by means of a computer system and typically takes place at night when evaporation rates are lower. The minimum amount of water is currently being used to prevent placing the grass, plants and trees under stress, which can, in turn, result in plant diseases. The automatic irrigation system controls the area north of Victoria Street and activates irrigation zones between 7pm and 7am. The area south of Victoria Street is managed manually, but is also operated at night.

At times the irrigation system is, however, switched on during the day to test the system, perform maintenance and irrigate areas that were not irrigated at night due to a fault in the automatic system. Irrigation schedules are occasionally adjusted to accommodate events and construction activity on campus.

Category 3 water restrictions are affective on the Tygerberg campus, as well as the Bellville Park campus. Irrigation of landscaping and sports fields take place using alternative water sources, including a borehole, and water from dams and rivers.

If you notice any faults in our irrigation system or any wastage of water, please report these to our help desk at (021) 808-4666 as soon as possible so that we can act on these reports and save water.

The University is committed to environmental sustainability and our water resources are a vital element of this. Various initiatives are being investigated and implemented to enable us to manage and use water resources as responsibly as possible.

We have identified a number of sustainability projects focused on reducing the use of water and will continue to update you on what we are doing. A few specific water-saving initiatives that are currently being implemented include:

  1. The planting of indigenous and endemic species which require less water than exotic species,
  2. The use of permeable paving to recharge underground aquifers,
  3. The design of water retaining landscapes that allows for the absorption and storage of water,
  4. Reuse of grey water,
  5. Water-saving shower heads,
  6. Ongoing testing and repair of water leakages.