Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Grade 9 Subject Choice Guidance

There are various factors that play a role in the process of making a successful career choice. One of the first considerations is a realistic and informed subject choice for grades 10 to 12. A learner's subject choice can have significant implications in terms of a future career. Often, there is lack of understanding regarding the important considerations that contribute to making the correct subject choice.
In order to support learners in their subject choice process, Stellenbosch University offers professional subject choice guidance to grade 9 learners. An assessment includes a 4 hour psychometric assessment of personality, aptitude and interests, an hour individual feedback session, as well as a written report of the results and recommendations. Recommendations are made objectively, impartially and in line with the learner’s profile, as well as his/her school’s subject choice package. The learner is also made aware of the impact that his/her choice may have on tertiary study programmes and/or careers.​

Cost of the service:
R2350 (Monday to Friday); R2900 (Saturday).
For bookings please contact: / 021 808 4709