Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Seminar: Department of Logistics
Start: 26/04/2018, 13:00
End: 26/04/2018, 14:00
Contact:Linke Potgieter -
Location: Van der Sterr 3022

​​Transport Network based accessibility - some recent applications and developments

Presenter: Prof Tom de Jong (Utrecht University)

What do concepts like Elliptic Space, Golden Hour and Dynamic Ambulance Management have in common? Do they have real significance or is it just buzzwords, soon to be forgotten.  These terms pop up in recent research and hence will be discussed in my presentation about recent accessibility research I have been involved with and that may lead to new GIS tools like 'Double Distance Analysis' and 'Accessibility Points'. The recent research topics are 'Improving Ambulance Coverage along National Roads in Western Cape Province' and 'Analysing Spatial Patterns in Suicide in the Netherlands'. The first topic is of special interest as two 'accessibilities' need to be taken into account. From Ambulance Station to Accident Scene and on from Accident Scene to Trauma Hospital. In the second topic the local accessibility to mental health facilities is a potential factor and when the application at the national level gives rise to technical (GIS) issues that can maybe be circumvented by introducing the new concept of 'Accessibility Points'.