Stellenbosch University
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
Ubuntu Dialogues: Academic Seminar Exchange Programme
IsiXhosa translation follows the English version.

The Stellenbosch University Museum is pleased to invite
applications for participation in the Ubuntu Dialogues
academic seminars to take place in 2021.
Applications are invited from emerging and
established academics, professionals and advanced doctoral
students in the humanities from universities and research and
cultural institutions in South Africa. Preference will be given to
young scholars from historically disadvantaged groups.
The academic seminars are part of the Ubuntu Dialogues,
a partnership project between the Stellenbosch University
Museum and the African Studies Center at Michigan State
University. This three-year project is funded by the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation.
The Ubuntu seminars will take the form of transnational
intellectual engagements focusing on institutional histories,
the meaning of Ubuntu, Pan-Africanism, knowledge and
institutional decolonisation and transformation both as
concept and practice, and the place of South Africa in Africa
and of the United States in the Americas.
Eligible candidates are invited to submit a detailed curriculum
vitae and an abstract of up to 500 words highlighting how
their research or work will inform, add to or complicate the
concept of Ubuntu in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic,
racism, femicide, decolonising knowledge generation within
and outside of the African continent or any other theme
relevant to Ubuntu.
A total of four applicants will be selected. Successful applicants
will be required as a condition of participation (1) to present
their paper on a virtual platform (webinar) and (2) to
develop their seminar paper into an article to be submitted
for publication in a peer-reviewed book manuscript or
journal special issue as part of the Ubuntu Dialogues Series.
Participants will also have an opportunity to attend two
international conferences to be held in South Africa and the
United States in 2022. All travel and accommodation
costs will be fully covered.

All applications should be submitted to
Natasha Coltman at by 31 August 2020.​


IMyuziyam yeYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch iyakuvuyela ukwenza
isimemo sokuba kufakwe izicela zokuthatha inxaxheba
kwiiseminara zemfundo ze-Ubuntu Dialogues, ezingokufakan’
imilomo ngokunxulumene noBuntu neziza kuqhutywa
Ziyamenywa ukuba zifake izicelo izifundiswa ezisezengobuso
emfundweni, ezingoomakad’ enetha, iingcali ndawonye
nabafundi abasele behambele phambili kwizifundo
zobugqirha ezinxulumene nabantu, zifundiswa ezo ziphuma
kwiiyunivesithi namaziko ophando nenkcubeko eMzantsi
Afrika. Kuya kukhethwa abafundi abaselula abavela kumaqela
awayesakuvinjwa amathuba ngokwasezimbalini.
Ezo seminara zemfundo ziyinxalenye ye-Ubuntu Dialogues,
iprojekti yobambiswano phakathi kweMyuziyam yeYunivesithi
yaseStellenbosch ne-African Studies Center, iziko lezifundo
ngobuAfrika, eMichigan State University. Le projekthi
yeminyaka emithathu ixhaswa ngezimali yi-Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation.
Iiseminara ezingoBuntu ziya kuba zezohlobo lokufakan’
imilomo kweengqondi zezizwe ngezizwe ngokujoliswe
kwiimbali zamaziko ngamaziko, intsingiselo yoBuntu,
ubuAfrika boMthonyama, ulwazi nokupheliswa
kobukoloniyali kumaziko kananjalo kwenziwe notshintsho
ngokweengcamango nokwenziwa kwezinto kambe kujoliswe
nakwindawo yoMzantsi Afrika eAfrika neyeUnited States
kumazwekazi aseMerika.
Abagqatswa abafanelekayo bayamenywa ukuba bafake
ii-curriculum vitae ezineenkcukacha ezipheleleyo
nesishwankathelo esimagama angama-500 beqaqambisa indlela
uphando lwabo oluya kuba negalelo ngayo, eliya kongezelela
ngayo okanye eliya kulintsonkothisa ngayo igama elithi uBuntu
njengoko kukho ubhubhani weCovid-19, owobuhlanga,
owokubulawa kwamanina, nokuphelisa ubukoloniyali
kwiinkqubo zokuqulunqa ulwazi ngaphakathi nangaphandle
kwezwekazi iAfrika okanye nawuphi na omnye umxholo
onxulumene negama Ubuntu.
Kuya kukhethwa abafaki-zicelo abane. Abafaki-zicelo
abaphumeleleyo, ngokwemiqathango yokuthatha inxaxheba,
kuya kufuneka (1) bafake amaphepha abo kwiqonga elikwiintanethi
(iwebhinara) baze (2) iphepha labo lesimanara
balenze libe linqaku eliza kufakwa ukuze lipapashwe kumbhalongqangi
wencwadi ehloliweyo okanye kwijenali epapashwa
ngokukodwa njengenxalenye ye-Ubuntu Dailogues Series,
uthotho lwemibhalo engokufakan’ imilomo ngobuntu. Kanti
abathathi-nxaxheba baya kuba nethuba lokuya kwiinkomfa
zezezizwe ngezizwe ezimbini eziza kuqhutyelwa eMzantsi
Afrika naseUnited States ngo-2022. Zonke iindleko zokuhamba
neendawo zokuhlala ziya kuhlawulelwa ngokupheleleyo.

Zonke izicelo zifanele zifakwe kuNatasha Coltman, ngowama-31 ku-Agasti 2020.