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Postdoctoral research fellows at South African public universities: Key findings from a national study
Start: 20/05/2024, 16:00
End: 20/05/2024, 17:00
Contact:Rene Kotze -
Location: Neelsie Cinema and Online

​​Over the past number of years, the South African higher education sector has invested increasingly in postdoctoral research fellows (or ‘postdocs’) as a significant human resource capability. However, until now, our current knowledge of these postdocs at a national level has been limited. This presentation will highlight the key findings produced by the first national study of postdocs at South African public universities, conducted by the Centre for Evaluation, Science and Technology at Stellenbosch University. The study comprised a national survey of postdocs, supplemented by institutional data collection, a bibliometric study, policy dialogues, as well as an analysis of existing data and policy documents. A broad range of topics will be covered in the presentation, starting with trends in the number and profile of postdocs, and proceeding to their prior career trajectories and reasons for taking a postdoc position; funding and conditions of service; publication output; teaching and supervision of students; and their assessment of their position and supervisor. In conclusion, postdocs’ plans in terms of their careers and migration will be discussed. The evidence and recommendations provided would be useful to supervisors, hosts and funders of postdocs in their aim to fully realise the potential of this important group of emerging scholars. 

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