CEMIS and Sigla (Stellenbosch University) are cooperating to facilitate requests for a second webinar on the South African Defence Budget. The follow-up webinar is planned as a panel discussion comprised of speakers from political parties and academia and follows in the wake of the 2021 Defence Budget Vote on 18 May 2021 that is bound to reflect another round of deep cuts in defence spending to a level below 1% of GDP. This drop inherently implies that perpetuating status quo thought and incrementalism serve little purpose and the second webinar is an attempt to shift the focus on budgets and thought forward in time to consider alternative futures for the SANDF. The seminar's planned opening speaker is the South African Minister of Defence or her representative, while a Member of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans is invited to speak on a Parliamentary oversight perspective going forward. Also invited are one speaker from the defence industry, one from National Treasury with two speakers from academia included to comment on the budget and add a futures perspective on the armed forces.
Date: 21 May 2021 Time: 11:00-13:00 (SA TIME) Platform: MS TEAMS
Updates & access to Webinar 1: Conferences and workshops (sun.ac.za)
Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/TwtGvuxBa8
Registration opens 14 May 09:00 & closes 19 May 2021 at 10:00
Dr M. Khanyile DIRECTOR CEMIS Tel: 0825447544 E-mail: mosesk@sun.ac.za
Prof F. Vreÿ RESEARCH COORDINATOR SIGLA Tel: 0825934225 E-mail: fvrey@sun.ac.za