Campus Health
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Use Heart for Every Heart: World Heart Day 2022 Heart for Every Heart: World Heart Day 2022Dr. Jo-Anne KirbySeptember is heart awareness month and the theme from the World Heart Federation for World Heart Day on 29 September 2022 is Use Heart for Every Heart.
World Kidney Day: More resources needed to increase access to life-saving kidney replacement therapy Kidney Day: More resources needed to increase access to life-saving kidney replacement therapyYazied Chothia On Thursday 10 March, we celebrate World Kidney Day. since access to kidney replacement therapy is limited and treatment rates are very low in South Africa, we need more resources so that patients can receive this life-saving therapy.
SU launches COVID-19 pop-up vaccination sites launches COVID-19 pop-up vaccination sitesCorporate Communication and Marketing/Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking - Sandra MulderThe first of more than 10 COVID-19 pop-up vaccination sites was launched on Monday (8 November 2021) on the main campus of Stellenbosch University (SU)
World Heart Day 2021: Use heart to connect! Heart Day 2021: Use heart to connect!Dr. Jo-Anne KirbyEvery year on September 29th is World Heart Day. This year, World Heart Day is about connecting with our own hearts and using the power of digital to connect every heart, everywhere.
Students heeding the call to vaccinate heeding the call to vaccinateCorporate Communication and Marketing Division/Afdeling Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en Bemarking - Sandra MulderStellenbosch University (SU) students are heeding the call to vaccinate, following the recent announcement of the extension of the COVID-19 vaccination programme to persons 18 years and older.
SU launches COVID-19 vaccination site launches COVID-19 vaccination siteCorporate Communication and Marketing / Korporatiewe Kommunikasie en BemarkingOn Tuesday 10 August, Stellenbosch University (SU) will launch a vaccination site for its staff and members of the public who have registered on the official South African COVID-19 vaccination portal.
Recreational Diving Medical Examination: What's it all about? Diving Medical Examination: What's it all about?Dr. Richard BrombacherDiving is a physically demanding sport that can place a diver in dangerous situations or result in a delay in access to health care due to the nature of the sport: several meters of water often separate the diver from first aid and ‘safety’.
Building a healthier world! a healthier world!Emma Carstens: CHS Physiotherapy PracticeApril 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. This day is aimed to create awareness on specific health topics highlighted around the world.
Safe and Sound: Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Health and Safety Systems! and Sound: Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Health and Safety Systems!Dr. Haidee Williams and Sr. Anneke van HeerdenThe International Labour Organization estimates that 2.34 million people die each year from work-related accidents or diseases. A further 317 million suffer from work-related injuries.
Brain Injury Awareness Month: “Not all wounds are visible” Injury Awareness Month: “Not all wounds are visible”Emma Carstens: CHS Physiotherapy PracticeMarch is Brain Injury Awareness Month and understanding concussion and its management are vital tools for health professionals and the public.