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We provide immunisation advice for routine booster vaccinations for an adult population of all ages from 18 years upwards.
It is preferable to get booster immunisations against some or all of the below vaccinations, prior to arriving on campus, especially if living in a residence environment. Consult with one of our nursing practitioners on advice about your specific vaccination requirements.
Flu vaccination – annually
MMR (Mumps, Measles and Rubella)
Hep A/B – compulsory for med school
We offer the following services:
State oral and injectable contraception and advice
STI treatment as per state protocol
Pregnancy testing
Clinical breast exams
Cervical screening (incl. Pap smears and HPV advice)
Prostate screening exam for men
Our women's and men's health programs aim to meet the specific health needs of each group. Special focus is placed on cancer screening and prevention of Chronic Diseases of Lifestyle.
(Available daily - no appointment necessary)
This program is to assess and monitor foot complications, mainly arising from diabetes. It involves a comprehensive foot assessment and appropriate care advice by a CHS staff member.
Our “Wellness Program" is designed to provide comprehensive medical assessments to all who attend CHS with, or without chronic lifestyle diseases. We aim to help you manage your chronic diseases and/or provide possible PREVENTATIVE strategies for those who may be at risk for future diseases.
What does a “medical" assessment entail?
Detailed clinical history, including social habits, family illnesses, etc.
Detailed physical examination includes weight, height, waist circumference measurement, pulse, blood pressure, visual test and dental overview.
Detailed medication assessment
Detailed physical activity assessment, including musculoskeletal screening
Appropriate side room tests and investigations (for example see below)
Basic nutritional assessment
Basic psychological assessment
Medical testing offered at CHS:
1. Basic side room tests
Hb (for anaemia),
- Glucose + cholesterol (fasting),
- HIV,
- Urine dipstix,
- Height/weight
2. Lung function tests
3. ECGs
4. Referral
According to the WHO, depression is a common mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability worldwide.
Globally, an estimated 350 million people are affected by depression. Determinants of mental health and mental disorders include not only individual attributes such as the ability to manage one's thoughts, emotions, behaviours and interactions with others, but also social, cultural, economic, political and environmental factors such as national policies, social protection, standards of living, working conditions, and community support. Stress, genetics, nutrition, perinatal infections and exposure to environmental hazards are also contributing factors to mental disorders.
University can be a stressful place – for students and staff. We diagnose and treat a variety of mental conditions – this includes ''exam stress'', depression and headache syndromes.
We are also able to refer to a psychiatrist or psychologist.
If you have concerns about your mental health, you can make an appointment at CHS or contact the Centre for Student Counselling and Development (CSCD) directly on 021 808 4707.
Mental Health at Tygerberg Campus
A psychiatrist, Dr C. Gabriels, renders limited services to students at Tygerberg Campus Health Service. She consults every alternate Thursday afternoon from 12h30 to 16h00, by appointment only.
Due to her limited availability at Campus Health Service, students who are funded by the Faculty for psychiatric sessions, as well as students who have no transport, are prioritised to see her. To request a subsidised appointment, please email the resident psychologists, viz.
A. Nel /
L. Joubert. Alternatively, for further information, contact Mrs. Norval at Campus Health reception on 021 938 9590.
Dr Gabriels also has private consultation rooms in Durbanville - contact her secretary (Shenay Gabriels) directly at 021 205 1699.
The psychiatrist is not available on campus for crisis consultations. Students in this position must present at the nearest Emergency Unit (Karl Bremer/ Louis Leipoldt Hospitals), or call ER 24 (010 205 3032), or call the Campus Health doctor (076 431 0305).
HIV screenings is available upon patient request. The clinical nurse practitioner does the testing. Doctors may also refer patients for testing as part of their routine health check-ups.
Testing consists of finger-prick test. If the test should come back as positive, a confirmation test as well as a blood test is done. Patients are counselled through each step of testing.
TREATMENT – patients are referred either to the nearest local clinic or a private physician (depending on their preference) for the appropriate treatment regime.
PREVENTION – the best way to prevent HIV is to practice safe-sex i.e. use condoms. Pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis can be prescribed. It is also important to know your status – regular HIV-testing is recommended.
In the event that TB is suspected, the doctor or clinical nurse practitioner may request testing (persistent cough for more than 4 weeks, night sweats, weight loss, contact with a person who has TB). Patients may also request that TB tests be done based on the above symptoms. Pulmonary (lung) TB tests are conducted with sputum samples. These samples are collected on 2 or 3 consecutive mornings before the patient has had anything to eat or drink. Chest x-rays may also be done, but we do not diagnose TB off an x-ray.
TREATMENT – TB is a notifiable disease. Patients who test positive are referred to the nearest local clinic for treatment. This is to ensure that the Department of Health's guidelines are adhered to. Treatment may vary from 6 – 12 months depending on the type of TB diagnosed. It is important for patients to remember that they need to complete the full course of treatment to ensure that they recover and to prevent the spread of drug-resistant TB.
PREVENTION – always practice cough etiquette by covering your cough with a tissue, handkerchief or your hands. Make sure that you wash your hands after coughing or sneezing into them. Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation in the areas that you work and live. If you have any of the signs suggestive of TB, get yourself tested. If you are on treatment for TB, please complete the treatment course.
(By appointment only)
Are you traveling soon? Call us for your appointment.
It is important to consult with us before and after your travels. You will receive travel advice, which is appropriate to your travel destination.
We provide compulsory vaccinations (e.g. yellow fever), as well as other travel-related vaccinations and a prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis will be given, as appropriate.
If you feel unwell after visiting a foreign country, please consult us as soon as possible after returning home.
Appointments: 20-minute appointment
Consultation Fee: There is a nominal fee payable for this consultation.
Please enquire at our reception for more information.