| Ms Corina du ToitProgramme Manager: African Doctoral Academy
Corina is responsible for managing the ADA and compiling the programme presented at the yearly Summer and Winter Schools, and takes great care in finding experts in their field to take part in the Schools. Her responsibilities extend also to Joint Doctoral School presented to date in Uganda, Malawi and Namibia, providing a presence across Africa. She dedicates a great deal of energy to sourcing and selecting partners and empowerment programmes to integrate into the ADA, examples of which are the African Woman in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) programme and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) programme, as well as serving as a co-director for the Southern African Systems Analysis Centre (SASAC) through the South African National Research Foundation.
Corina holds a Master's degree in Viticulture and made wine for some years before joining her alma-mater Stellenbosch University in Capacity Development Programmes for Postgraduates. S Email: corina@sun.ac.za