UNESCO adopts landmark guidance on education's cross-cutting role in promoting peaceOn 20 November 2023, the 194 UNESCO Member States adopted the Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development at UNESCO's General Conference. This is the only global standard-setting instrument that lays out how education should be used to bring about lasting peace and foster human development through 14 guiding principles.
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UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Competence pre-launch 14-15 August
Stellenbosch University International (SU International) recently hosted two days of activities relating to intercultural competence, which culminated in the official launch of the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Competence on the third day.
The chair, which was awarded to Stellenbosch University (SU) earlier this year, will be housed in the Africa Centre for Scholarship (ACS) in SU International. The Chairholder will be Dr Darla Deardorff, an SU-affiliated distinguished fellow from the United States, and deputy-chair Prof Sarah Howie, director of the ACS
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SU celebrates inauguration of two new UNESCO Chairs
The ceremonial inauguration of the two newest United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Chairs at Stellenbosch University (SU) is a significant boost for inter-university cooperation and global collaboration.
Stellenbosch University International (SUI) recently hosted two days of successful activities related to intercultural competence that culminated in the official launch of the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Competence on the succeeding third day.
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UNESCO Chair on Intercultural Competences awarded to SU
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair in Intercultural Competences has been awarded to Stellenbosch University (SU). An SU affiliated distinguished fellow from the USA, Dr Darla Deardorff, will be the Chairholder with Deputy Chair Professor Sarah Howie, Director of the ACS.
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