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Vol. I The Legacy of Beyers Naudé. (LD Hansen (ed.), Sun Press, 2005).
This publication contains published works of Beyers Naudé together with works of other authors that deal with aspects of his legacy. Some of the articles were selected because of their importance as markers of the most significant events in Beyers Naudé's life or because they shed light on the reflections of one or more of the other authors in the publication.
Vol. II Oom Bey for the Future. Engaging the Witness of Beyers Naudé. (LD Hansen & RR Vosloo (eds.), Sun Press, 2006).
"South Africa is a microcosm of the contemporary world. Here white and black, East and West, rich developed First World and poor developing Third World meet as in no other country in the world: this sets a tremendous challenge, but is also a unique privilege." (Beyers Naudé, Pro Veritate, 15 January 1972, pp.5-7,20.) What are the challenges facing South Africa and Africa today, and how are we to respond to these challenges? Most importantly, what can we as South African Christians learn from the life and example of Beyers Naudé in the light of these challenges? These broadly speaking, are the questions this publication want to address.

Vol. III Christian in Public. Aims, Methodologies and Issues in Public Theology. (LD Hansen (ed.), Sun Press, 2007).
"The church of Jesus Christ... to be sure, is not of this world, but is church in the world and for the world, called to confront every person and every system with the gospel of Jesus Christ... The Christian who shrinks from this, in this regard fails in his [sic] calling." Beyers Naudé, quoted in Die Transvaler, 11 August 1966.
Vol. IV Globalisation. The politics of empire, justice and the life of faith. (AA Boesak & LD Hansen (eds.), Sun Press, 2009).
In this publication globalisation and the myriad and life-changing ways it impacts on the world and the lives of ordinary people in communities everywhere is reflected on by contributors not only from the theological fraternity but from participants from diverse disciplines and contexts. Contributors to this volume come from academic disciplines such as economics, political science, philosophy, law and theology.

Vol. V. Globalisation II. Global crisis, global challenge, global faith. An ongoing response to the Accra Confession. (AA Boesak & LD Hansen (eds.) Sun Press, 2010).
While the first volume on globalisation in this series focused more on the origins and meaning of globalisation, the emphasis in this volume is on its specific manifestations - in much wider than mere economic terms. The themes in this volume range from the economic and developmental consequences of globalisation, followed by reflection on globalisation and consumerism, then gender justice or injustice, political and ecological themes and finally theological perspectives.
Vol. VI. Vreesloos Gehoorsaam. 'n Keur uit Beyers Naudé se preke van 1939-1997. (Coetzee, M, Hansen, LD & Vosloo, RR (eds.) Sun Press, 2013).
Die sestigtal preke in hiedie bundel weerspieël iets van die omvang en ontwikkeling van Beyers Naudé se denke en is gekies uit verskillende stadiums van sy bediening. Uit sy preke kom 'n helder beeld van Naudé as kind van sy tyd na vore, iemand wat gevorm is deur die sterk punte én blindekolle van die geloofs- en wêreldbeskouing van die gemeenskap waarin hy grootgeword het. Maar die preke weerspieël ook sy persoonlike stryd om krities met sy kultuurtradisie en kerk in gesprek te tree.
Vol. VII. A Theological Odyssey: My Life in Writing. John De Gruchy (Sun Press, 2014).
John de Gruchy is one of the greatest and most respected South African theologians of the past five decades. His work has left an indelible mark on both the South African and international theological landscapes. In this book he describes his theological journey, revisiting core themes, periods and sources. This is an enriching read, as De Gruchy engages with some of the greatest theologians in the history of the church – notably John Calvin, Karl Barth, Karl Rahner, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Reinhold Niebuhr – as well as with a wide selection of his fellow South African theologians. - Cas Wepener
Vol. VIII. Pathways in Theology, Ecumenical, African and Reformed. Piet Naudé (Van der Westhuizen, H (ed.) Sun Press, 2015)
As an ecumenical theologian, Piet Naudé has consistently questioned his own theology from the perspective of what he considers to be "the apostolic faith". He has written extensively on the value of confessions, as part of the heritage of witnesses to the apostolic faith, for theology and church today.
Vol. IX. Hermeneutics and Social Transformation. Bernard Lategan (Sun Press, 2015). (Available in January 2016).
"In a South African context ... condemning apartheid is not enough. To make a non-racial, democratic, inclusive society viable and enduring, much more is required – of which creative and imaginative theological thinking is not the least. Fundamental theological values and their implications for all the facets of society must be thought through – not as an academic exercise, but as a grass-roots undertaking … and the greatest challenge is to act in terms of this new understanding of society." - Bernard Lategan, 'Some implications of the family concept in New Testament texts'
Vol. I Essays in Public Theology. Smit, DJ (Conradie, EM (ed.), Sun Press, 2007).
What is the role of the church in society? What role did the church play in South-Africa - during apartheid, during the process of transformation? What is the task of the church today in the face of increasing modernity and globalisation? Should church and theology be concerned with public issues at all, or does this inevitably involve a betrayal of the true identity and calling of the church? Is the church really able to speak to public issues and to get involved in public debates and the formation of public opinion? Does theology, for example, have any contribution to make regarding public discourses on reconciliation or justice? The essays collected and published in this volume deal with questions such as these.
Vol. II Geloof en Openbare Lewe. Versamelde Opstelle. Smit, DJ (Koopman, NN (ed.), Sun Press, 2008).
Het die Christelike geloof enigiets met die openbare lewe te make, het die geloof enigiets betekenisvol by te dra tot die openbare lewe - en indien wel, hoe gebeur dit? Wat beteken "die openbare lewe" eintlik? Hoe word die lewe van mense met mekaar saam hoegenaamd te goede beïnvloed? Waar val die belangrike beslissings oor die menslike kwaliteit van ons samelewings? Hoe en waar word die openbare mening gevorm? Op welke wyses - indien enigsins - kan "die kerk" 'n bydrae tot die openabre lewe en die openbare mening maak? op welke wyse verkondig en leef die kerk die evangelie as boodskap van "heil vir die wêreld"? Die opstelle in hierdie bundel dink na oor hierdie soort vrae.
Vol III Essays on Being Reformed. Smit, DJ (Vosloo, RR (ed.), Sun Press, 2009).
What does it mean to be Reformed Christians in the world today - and in Africa and South Africa? What does it mean to commemorate the legacy of John Calvin (1509-1564) after 500 years - in a modern world characterised by democracy, by popular notions of human dignity and human rights, by worldwide struggles for individual freedoms and for social justice, by a global economy in crisis - when social historians argue about the lasting contribution of Calvin and his followers precisely with respect to all these modern phenomena? What does it mean to be a Reformed church today - for its faith and confession, its worship and life, its witness and service - in ecumenical contexts and pluralist societies, in the face of the realities of suffering and threat?

Vol IV Opstelle oor Gereformeerd-wees Vandag. Smit, DJ (Hansen, LD (ed.), Sun Press, 2013).
Wat beteken dit vandag om deel te wees van die Gereformeerde geloof en tradisie - ook op die vasteland van Afrika? Dié vraag word op vele maniere beantwoord - dikwels radikaal uiteenlopend. Dié tradisie het immers die wêreld van vandag help vorm en stempel - die wêreld met sy demokratiese drome en respek vir menswaardigheid en menseregte, die wêreld met sy bewondering vir wetenskap, kennis, navorsing en geleerdheid, die wêreld met sy vryemark-ekonomie en klem op ontwikkeling en vooruitgang, die wêreld met sy werksetiek, morele oortuigings en sedelike waardes. Vir sommige klink dié kenmerke steeds na ideale om na te strewe, vir ander na nagmerrie-verledes wat hulle juis probeer ontvlug.
Vol V Remembering Theologians – Doing Theology. Smit, DJ (Vosloo, RR (ed.), Sun Press, 2013).
"Friendship has always played a key role in my own doing of theology. Theology for me always meant doing theology with others and for others. Theology for me has always been about friendship - whether with students, postgraduate students, colleagues, ministers, ecumenical believers from different traditions, theologians from abroad, or simply books and publications, articles and sources. Libraries and journals and scholarly works have been my friends over so many years - so that I often try to convince first-year students of the wonderful friends they will meet in the library, including friends, voices, thinkers, discussion partners, from centuries ago, from distant places, from critical, even conflicting traditions. This volume is a witness to some of these friends and some of these conversation partners, dead and alive, near and far." [the author]
1. "The Barmen/Belhar Consultation, University of Stellenbosch, 18-19 October 2004." Supplement NGTT 47 (1 & 2), 2006 (compiled and edited – LD Hansen).
2. Collection of articles in honour of Prof. DJ Smit's 55th birthday. Supplement NGTT 48 (1 & 2), June 2007 (compiled and edited – LD Hansen).
3. Special Collection: South Africa 20 years after apartheid. Editors Len Hansen & Nico Koopman. International Journal for Public Theology 9(4) 2014.
4. The Calling of the Church: Liber Amicorum for the Moluccan Theological Council. Editors: Lútzen P. Miedema and Simon Ririhena.
5. Cultivating seeds of hope, Conversations on the life of Beyers Naudé. (Coetzee, M, Muller, M & Hansen, LD (eds.) Sun Press, 2015).
This publication is a collection of 40 oral testimonies about Beyers Naudé, but also about the apartheid era in general and about the role that Christianity played in that period. Stories unfold - of faith and suffering, as well as betrayal, all against the background of an overtly racist apartheid state and by implication against a capitalist system with class divisions that degraded human beings and denied their human dignity.
1. "Human dignity – article of faith or empty formula?" Volume 7, Scriptura 2007. In collaboration with the Protestantse Theologische Universiteit, Kampen, the Netherlands. F de Lange, NN Koopman, LD Hansen (eds.)
2. The Humanisation of Globalisation – South African and German Perspectives. (CC Le Bruyns and G Ulshöfer (eds.), Haag und Herchen, 2008). Papers from the Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology and the German Academies of Bad Boll and Arnoldshain's joint project on The Humanization of Globalization
3. In collaboration with the Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, Stellenbosch University: Essays on Being Reformed. Collected Essays III. DJ Smit (RR Vosloo (ed.), Sun Press, 2009).
4. Religions and the Common Good in Pluralistic Societies. NGTT 2012(53). Supplementum 2. Joseph Antyo, Godwin Akper, Martien Brinkman, Eddy van der Borght, Jan Nieder-Heitmann (eds.) A collection of papers from the joint project on Religion and the Common Good in Pluralistic Societies with IRTI (Free University Amsterdam), Mkar University (Nigeria), and Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology.
5. Joint publishing project with the Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology: Reformed Churches and the Struggle for Justice in South Africa: Remembering 1960-1990. Conference proceedings under editorship of Robert Vosloo and Mary-Anne Plaatjies van Huffel. Sun Press, 2013.
6. In collaboration with the Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, Stellenbosch University: Opstelle oor Gereformeerdwees vandag. Versamelde Opstelle IV. DJ Smit. Sun Press, 2013.
7. Prophet of the South: Essays in honour of Allan Aubrey Boesak. Editors: Prince Dibeela, Puleng Lenka-Bula & Vuyani Vellem. Sun Press, 2014.