About Radiation Oncology
Special aspects
Special aspects of functioning of the Division of Radiation Oncology at the Stellenbosch University and the Tygerberg Hospital is it is an indispensible part of multidisciplinary cancer care offered. Together with other diagnostic and therapeutic specialists as well as supporting specialists and staff, we cover the time from the diagnosis of cancer until treatment is finished and patient start his/her routine visits to us during the period after the end of your treatment, also known as follow-up period.During the fiollow-up period, we closely collaborate with your primary physicians, and physicians from clinics that are within your reach. With this approach we practice nothing but continuous cancer care as the best approach nowadays, since it allows timely decisions to be made for the best of our knowledge and skill, constantly addressing all of your needs. We also offer several support groups for cancer patients and special groups including a laryngectomy support group. These informal sessions will guide you and your family towards the road of recovery by sharing your cancer experience with other patients and will ultimately help you to join the fast growing community of cancer survivors in South Africa.