​​​​Tygerberg Postdoctoral Society



Stellenbosch University is in the process of revising the Postdoc Policy, which will affect all documents relating to Postdocs. These documents will be revised accordingly and updated or added to this page as soon as they are available.



Below are the requirements and documents needed for the registration of a postdoc:

  1. An e-mail notice from the host confirming the appointment of the postdoc in the relevant division; 
  2. Name, full contact details, physical address and e-mail of the postdoc fellow;
  3. The amount of the award and its source/s (description of the original source/s and the University cost point from where it will be paid);
  4. The term of the award (one or two years initially), exact start date and end date;
  5. PhD Certificate; (must have obtained it within the last 5 years)
  6. A letter from the registrar where the fellow studied for their PhD confirming that he/she has satisfactorily fulfilled the University's requirements of the doctoral qualification if you are not in possession of your PhD yet; (we need this letter before we can proceed with the award letter)
  7. CV;
  8. A copy of the applicant's ID or passport photo page for foreign applicants;
  9. Transcripts of the postgraduate studies;
  10. Full name of the host and department;
  11. A copy of the advert that the candidate responded to. (A regulation from SARS).

A formal Letter of Award, stipulating the term and amount of the award will be drawn up by the PD Coordinator and sent to the applicant copying the host and via the international office to Lidia Du Plessis for international postdocs, who will send the relevant documentation needed for completion, from their side.



Postdocs at Tygerberg receive preference over students for the allocation of parking.

Please contact Ms Elzaan van der Merwe meis@sun.ac.za or 938-9349 to arrange parking.



Watch this space for details regarding grants which Postdocs are eligible to apply for.


Important documents


Important contact persons

Lee-Anne Seymour: Co-ordinator: Programme for upcoming researchers, research development.

            021 808 2909

Lidia du Plessis: Senior Administrative Official: Postgraduate and International Office.


Riana Coetsee: Manager: International research and Capacity Building, Research Development.

            021 808 2580