| G Moelich, R van Huffel, R Combrinck
| Used oil as an
admixture to improve the rheological properties of concrete
| 3rd
International Conference on the Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP)
and Other New Admixtures Towards Smart Concrete, Sukuza, South Africa
| L Stone, R Pretorius, R Combrinck
| Compatibility between
cement and superplasticiser in combination with fines, gypsum and fly ash
| 3rd
International Conference on the Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP)
and Other New Admixtures Towards Smart Concrete, Sukuza, South Africa
| WI De Villiers, CL Pagel, C Robins, B Potgieter, WP Boshoff
| Thermal testing of alternative masonry walls
| 10th International Masonry Conference, Milan, Italy
| WI De Villiers, J Fourie, WP Boshoff
| Numerical modelling of alternative masonry units
| 4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Rilem Week 2018, Delft, Netherlands
| H Fataar, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff
| Preliminary study on
the single fibre pull-out fatigue resistance of fibre reinforced concrete
| 4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Rilem Week 2018, Delft, Netherlands
| M Diekmann, WP Boshoff, R Combrinck
| Creating a low
embodied carbon concrete with conventional concrete properties
| 4th International
Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Rilem Week 2018, Delft,
| GPAG van Zijl, WP Boshoff
| The effect of crack patterns on the corrosion of steel reinforced SHCC
| SHCC4: Strain Hardening Cement-Based Composites, Dresden, Germany |
| R Combrinck, L Steyl, WP Boshoff
| Influence of depth on the cracking of plastic concrete | EAC2: 2nd RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-Based Materials and Structures, Brussels, Belgium
| MY Khan, JT Kolawole, WP Boshoff, R Combrinck
| Influence of relaxation and cyclic loading on the tensile material
| EAC2: 2nd RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-Based Materials and Structures, Brussels, Belgium |
| WP Boshoff, HL Bester, C Viljoen
| Initial study on the determining the design values of macro synthetic FRC for floors on grade
| ICACMS, Chennai, India |
| AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff
| Pull-out phenomenon of synthetic macro fibres from a cementitious matrix
| ICACMS, Chennai, India |
| BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff
| Influence of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) on fresh and early-age properties of high-performance concrete
| ICCM2017 10th ACI/RILEM International Conference, Montreal, Canada
| WP Boshoff
| Keynote: Is your concrete wasteful, or full of waste?
| KEYS Conference, Johanensburg, South Africa
| AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff | Creep response of polypropylene macro fibre concrete under sustained flexural service loads | BEFIB 2016, 9th Rilem International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Vancouver, Canada |
| L Steyl, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Proposed mould for the assessment of pure plastic shrinkage cracking
| International fib Symposium 2016, Cape Town, South Africa
2016 | R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Analytical model of the cracking of plastic concrete | International fib Symposium 2016, Cape Town, South Africa |
2016 | JO Lerch, AS van Rooyen, WP Boshoff | The influence of mixing on the single0fibre performance of macro synthetic fibre reinforced concrete | BEFIB 2016, 9th Rilem International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Vancouver, Canada |
2016 | PBK Mbewe, WI de Villiers | Evaluation of materials laboratory capacity for promotion of design-build teaching approach in architectural courses | Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya |
2016 | PBK Mbewe, WI de Villiers | Environmental sustainability evaluation of low-cost buildings: The case of buildings under the JENGA project | Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya |
2016 | LM Pike, WP Boshoff | Procesing Bagasse ash for the South African cement industry | Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya |
2016 | JP Louw, WP Boshoff | Mechanical properties of alkali activated materials for construction | Sustainable Futures Conference, Nairobi, Kenya |
2016 | WP Bosshoff, PD Nieuwoudt | Tensile creep of cracked steel fibre reinforced concrete: mechanisms on the single fibre and at the macro level | International RILEM workshop on creep behaviour in cracked section of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, FRC Creep, Valencia, Spain |
2016 | AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff | Macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete: Creep and creep mechanisms | International RILEM workshop on creep behaviour in cracked section of Fibre Reinforced Concrete, FRC Creep, Valencia, Spain |
2015 | BD le Roux, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Influence of admixtures on plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete | The Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, CONMAT'15, Whistler, Canada |
2015 | A van Noordwyk, WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff | Environmental impact of residential building envelope: A comparison between thermal performance and occupant energy usage | The Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, CONMAT'15, Whistler, Canada |
2015 | AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff | Crack widening response of cracked macro synthetic FRC under sustained tensile loading | The Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, CONMAT'15, Whistler, Canada |
2014 | R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Fundamentals of plastic settlement cracking | International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures, ICCMATS, Johannesburg, South Africa |
2014 | JD Dippenaar, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Initial study to determine the tensile material properties of fresh concrete | International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures, ICCMATS, Johannesburg, South Africa |
2014 | BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff | 3D- Void analysis of high performance of concretes containing superabsorbent polymers (SAP) | International RILEM Conference on Application of superabsorbent polymers and other new admixtures in concrete construction, Dresden, Germany |
2014 | WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff | 3D modelling of alternative masonry walling for South African low-cost housing | International Masonry Conference, Guimarães, Portugal |
2014 | J Vorel, WP Boshoff | Numerical simulation of shear behaviour of SHCC elements | International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Svratka, Czech Republic |
2013 | WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff, A van Noordwyk, C Brewis, J Brits | Full life cycle analysis of the environmental impact of low-cost housing in South Africa | International Housing Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, Cape Town, South Africa |
2013 | WP Boshoff, MD de Klerk, G Coetzee, WI de Villiers, RD Tolêdo Filho | Alternative materials for masonry units | International Housing Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, Cape Town, South Africa |
| R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | The origin of plastic settlement cracking and the effect of re-vibration | International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa |
| DW Immelman, WI de Villiers
| The influence of percentage replacement from coarse recycled concrete aggregate
| International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa
2013 | BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff | Compressive strength of high-performance concrete with absorption capacity of super-absorbing-polymers (SAP) | International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa |
2013 | G Coetzee, WP Boshoff | Sisal reinforced cement-based masonry units | International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa |
2013 | AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff | Time-dependent behaviour of pre-cracked polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete (PFRC) under sustained loading | International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2013), Cape Town, South Africa |
2013 | AJ Babafemi, WP Boshoff | Preliminary creep behaviour of polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete (PPFRC) under a high tensile stress | Proceedings of the International Conference ACCTA, Johannesburg, South Africa |
2013 | BJ Olawuyi, WP Boshoff | Influence of particle size distribution on compressive strength and elastic modulus of high-performance concrete | Proceedings of the International Conference ACCTA, Johannesburg, South Africa |
2012 | WI de Villiers, WP Boshoff | Regulation of alternative building materials and systems in South Africa | International Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, South African Housing Foundation, Cape Town |
2012 | J Vorel, WP Boshoff | Numerical modelling of engineered cement-based composites | Proceedings of the International Conference of Engineered Mechanics, Svratka, Czech Republic |
2012 | R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Theory for the early age plastic cracking behaviour of concrete | fib PhD Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany |
2012 | R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Influence of restraint on the early age cracking of concrete | Proceedings of BEFIB, Guimaraes, Portugal |
2012 | CJ Mouton, WP Boshoff | Initial study on the tensile creep of cracked fibre reinforced concrete | Proceedings of BEFIB, Guimaraes, Portugal |
2012 | PD Nieuwoudt, WP Boshoff | The comparison between the cracking behaviour of bending and tension for strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCC) | Proceedings of ICCRRR, Cape Town, South Africa |
2012 | W.P. Boshoff, R. Combrinck, J. Maritz | A model for the prediction of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete | Proceedings of the International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, South Africa |
2011 | WP Boshoff, PD Nieuwoudt | Tensile crack widths of SHCC | Second International Conference on Strain Hardening Cement-based Materials, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
2011 | W de Villiers, WP Boshoff | The development of a decision-making model to determine the appropriateness of alternative building technologies for application in the social housing industry | International Conference, Exhibition and Housing Awards, South African Housing Foundation, Cape Town |
2011 | WP Boshoff | Performance based approach for modelling the cracking of SHCC for durability | FIB international workshop on performance based specifications for concrete, Leipzig, Germany |
2011 | J Maritz, R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Investigation of the behaviour of low-volume fibre reinforced concrete in the fresh state | FIB international workshop on performance based specifications for concrete, Leipzig, Germany |
2011 | R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Investigation of the critical period for plastic shrinkage cracking | FIB international workshop on performance based specifications for concrete, Leipzig, Germany |
2010 | R Combrinck, WP Boshoff | Investigation of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete | 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa. |
2010 | C Brewis, WP Boshoff | A holistic approach for measuring the environmental impact of the built environment | CSE 2010 - Concrete for a Sustainable Environment, Emperor's Place, Kempton Park, South Africa |
2010 | WP Boshoff, CJ Adendorff | Modelling SHCC cracking for durability | Proceedings of the European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, Germany |
2009 | CJ Adendorff, WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Characterisation of crack distribution of Strain-hardening cement composites (SHCC) under imposed strain | Proceedings of the International Conference ACM 2009, Stellenbosch |
2009 | J Vorel, WP Boshoff, | Numerical modelling of strain hardening fibre-reinforced composites | Proceedings of the International Conference ACM 2009, Stellenbosch |
2009 | CJ Adendorff, WP Boshoff | Tensile creep of notched SHCC | Proceedings of the International Conference CONMAT 2009, Japan |
2008 | GPAG van Zijl, WP Boshoff | Mechanisms of creep in fibre-reinforced strain–hardening cement composites (SHCC) | Proceedings of the international conference CONCREEP, Japan |
2008 | WP Boshoff, CJ Adendorff, GPAG van Zijl | Creep of cracked strain hardening cement-based composites | Proceedings of the international conference CONCREEP, Japan |
2008 | Van Zijl, GPAG, Boshoff, WP | FRC in South Africa - application fields, new developments and outlook | Proceedings of the international conference, ICCX 2008, Sun City, South Africa |
2007 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Time-dependant behaviour of SHCC on the single fibre level | Proceedings of the international conference, SEMC, Cape Town |
2007 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Tensile creep of SHCC | International RILEM conference on High Performance fibre Reinforced Cement Composites, Mainz, Germany |
2007 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Mesh-objectivity of crack modelling in SHCC | International conference on the Nonlocal Modelling of Material's Failure, NMMF, Wuppertal |
2005 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Time-dependant response of ECC: Characterisation and modelling of creep and creep fracture | Proceedings of International workshop on HPFRCC in structural applications, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA |
2004 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Creep modelling of ductile fibre reinforced composites | Proceedings of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS), Vale, U.S.A |
2004 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Computational and experimental modelling of creep behaviour of engineered cement-based composites | Proceedings of SEMC, Cape Town |
2003 | WP Boshoff, GPAG van Zijl | Computational strategies for time-dependent behaviour of engineered cement-based composites | Proceedings for EURO-C 2003, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (eds. N Bicanic et al.)pp 59-65 |